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This is a representation of the Social Security (DOMINO) information in PLIDA. It aligns with the Modular PLIDA product available in the ABS Data Lab. Users can gain access to the DOMINO Base Module and a combination of other available modules listed in the distribution groups listed below.

DOMINO stands for Data Over Multiple Individual Occurrences. Established in 2017 as a data asset based on social security payments administrative data, DOMINO provides a very detailed and longitudinal view of individuals' interactions with the welfare system to support a range of government and academic research.

This External version represents the DataMart - a subset list of tables approved for release into the Person-Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA).

Standard Releases are unique from the DOMINO dataset by having a synthetic generated person identifier specific to the release to reduce the likelihood of subsequent dataset linkage by non-approved parties.  

Data source details

Release Date
Temporal dimension
From 2000 to current extraction date.
Specification You dont have permission to view this item

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Source datasets

  • Source Datasets
    Release Date




To Note:  This dataset also uses

Custom Fields

Guide for Use

DOMINO is a linear, linked data spine based on DSS customers and selected customer events.  Currently, there are three main areas of focus: Department of Human Services/Services Australia payment events, DSS programme delivery, and DSS settlement services.

The variables cover the transition between activity testing (ongoing reporting requirement) and manifest benefit types (granted without the need for further assessment), including other benefit types such as the sources of eligibility. DOMINO data included in the PLIDA data asset allows for analysis of the changes in benefits for clients from 2006 to the present.

Administrative data within DOMINO have been collected for the purpose of recording service delivery activities, and to account for the expenditure of government revenue in the form of payments and services. Demographic data within DOMINO have been collected as administrative data items that are related to the eligibility rules for a specific benefit. The existence of demographic data for all benefit types and periods of time is limited to the benefits described in the data set.

Clients may continue to be eligible for benefits due to grandfathering provisions of relevant legislation. Welfare clients are classified by the benefit type they received at the end of each quarter, that is, they may have been in receipt of other benefit types earlier in the quarter but are recorded against the latest benefit type for reporting purposes.

Legal Authority
  • Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
  • Paid Parental Leave Act 2010
  • Student Assistance Act 1973
  • A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999
Resource Type Dataset
Technical Contact Point

Data Custodian Department of Social Services
Publisher Department of Social Services

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Relation Count
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0