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Data Set - Help


ISO 11179 help definition

Representation of a concept by a descriptive statement which serves to differentiate it from related concepts. (3.2.39)

Registry specific help

Purpose: A definition enables users to find, categorise and evaluate the fitness of a data asset to their needs. 

Obligation: Mandatory

Additional comments: This field is used in conjunction with Keyword and Purpose for identifying and describing the data asset. 

Controlled values: The definition should typically be 2-3 sentences and contain key words or information that people may use to search for the data asset, such as: the subject of the data, how the data was collected, who it is about, what format it is in, and what time period it covers.  

Example(s): A spreadsheet containing Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Childcare Subsidy (CCS) information relating to the age of a child, date of birth, family taxable income, childcare provider and principal carer status from 1 July 2017 (until 30 June 2023). The data set captures and compares the taxable income and rebate information in correlation with the carer status and age of the child to identify rolling averages across a single financial year. 

ONDC alignment: Description (Core attribute)