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Data Set - Help


ISO 11179 help definition

Representation of a concept by a descriptive statement which serves to differentiate it from related concepts. (3.2.39)

Registry specific help

Purpose: A definition enables users to find, categorise and evaluate the fitness of a data asset to their needs. 

Obligation: Mandatory

Additional comments: This field is used in conjunction with Keyword and Purpose for identifying and describing the data asset. A brief summary of field names and information (e.g. gender/sex, age, address) collected within the data asset may be included in the definition to help answer any specific research, policy or program questions a user may have, and help manage requests for additional information about the data asset.

Controlled values: The definition should typically be 2-3 sentences and contain key words or information that people may use to search for the data asset, such as: the subject of the data, how the data was collected, who it is about, what format it is in, and what time period it covers.  

Example(s): The dataset provides the breakdown of team productivity across the APS by the team job functions, providing management with richer insights into employee perceptions on a range of key indicators. These Census indicators include staff engagement, leadership, communication and change management, workplace conditions, health and wellbeing among others.

ONDC alignment: Description (Core attribute)