Address 0.1
This table shows items related to the item Address.
Items shown are based on your current permissions.
Showing 1 - 20 of 25 results.
Items shown are based on your current permissions.
Name | Details | Statuses | ||
Address: Address type, Code
Data Element
The type of address given by a recipient. |
Address: Australian community, Code
Data Element
Community code for an Australian address. |
Address: Australian postcode, Code
Data Element
The Australian numeric descriptor for a postal delivery area for an address. |
Address: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) 2011 SA1 main code, Code
Data Element
The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) 2011 Statistical Area 1 (SA1) code of an address. |
Address: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) 2011 SA2 main code, Code
Data Element
The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) 2011 Statistical Area 2 (SA2) code of an address. |
Address: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) 2016 Meshblock, Code
Data Element
The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) 2016 Meshblock code of an address. |
Address: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) 2021 Meshblock, Code
Data Element
Mesh Blocks are the smallest geographic areas defined by the ABS and form the building blocks for the larger regions... |
Address: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) 2021 SA2 main code, Code
Data Element
Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s) are medium-sized general purpose areas built up from whole Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s). Their... |
Address: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) 2021 SA3 main code, Code
Data Element
Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3s) are geographic areas built from whole Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s). They are designed for... |
Address: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) 2021 SA4 main code, Code
Data Element
Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4s) are geographic areas built from whole Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3s). SA4s are the largest... |
Address: Commonwealth Electoral Division, Code (ASGS 2022) NNN
Data Element
The Commonwealth electoral division that a given address is located within, as represented by a code. |
Address: Concession card Australian postcode, Code
Data Element
The Australian numeric descriptor for a postal delivery area for an address. |
Address: Country, Code
Data Element
The country of usual residence of a person, as represented by a code. |
Address: Latitude coordinate, Number
Data Element
The latitude coordinate of an address of usual residence. |
Address: Line 1, Text
Data Element
A composite of address components, that make up the first line of an address. |
Address: Line 2, Text
Data Element
A composite of address components, that make up the second line of an address. |
Address: Local Government Area (ASGS 2021), Code NNNNN
Data Element
The designated region representing the whole geographical area of responsibility of an incorporated Local Government entity in which a given... |
Address: Longitude coordinate, Number
Data Element
The longitude coordinate of an address. |
Address: Meshblock matched indicator, Code
Data Element
Indicator identifying if a meshblock code was matched by address or longitude/latitude coordinates. |
Address: Remoteness indicator, Code
Data Element
Indicates whether an address is located in a remote area. |