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Longitudinal history of FTB related educational information in DOMINO.

Data source details

Format type
sas7bdat or delimited
Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
~.edu_ftb_ext.ext_dom_person_id Recipient: DOMINO person identifier, ID number

A synthetic numeric sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a unique DOMINO entity.

Number N[15]
~.edu_ftb_ext.period_start_date Event: Period start date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a reporting period relating to an event commences, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.edu_ftb_ext.period_end_date Event: Period end date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a reporting period relating to an event ends, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.edu_ftb_ext.course_lvl Course: Family Tax Benefit education level, Code

Level of education course undertaken by a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) recipient's child.

String XXX
~.edu_ftb_ext.course_type Course: Education field of study, Code

Field of education of course of study undertaken by a recipient.

String AAA
~.edu_ftb_ext.course_type_desc Course: Education field of study description, Text

Description of the course of study a recipient is undertaking (e.g. name of programme, such as Diploma).

String X{32}
~.edu_ftb_ext.cmpltn_date Course: Education completion date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a recipient’s course of study is completed, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.edu_ftb_ext.cmpltn_ind Course: Completion indicator, Code

Indicates whether a recipient has completed their course of study.

String A
~.edu_ftb_ext.cmpltn_y12_ind Recipient: Completion of Year 12 indicator, Code

Indicates whether a Family Tax Benefit recipient's child has completed year 12.

Boolean A
~.edu_ftb_ext.stdnt_prtcpn_sts Course: Student participation status, Code

Refers to the current participation status of a student.

String XXX
~.edu_ftb_ext.inst_type Course: Education institution type, Code

Identifies the type of institution at which the student is studying.

String A
~.edu_ftb_ext.stdnt_start_date Course: Student start date, YYYY-MM-DD

Start date for a student of a course event.

~.edu_ftb_ext.stdnt_end_date Course: Student end date, YYYY-MM-DD

End date for a student of a course event.