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A benefit group is one in which a customer can be eligible for only one benefit type in the benefit group at one time. For example, within the Pensions Benefit Group, a customer cannot be concurrently eligible for more than one Pensions benefit type.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Benefit Group Code 0.1 ".
Data Type String
Format AAA
Maximum character length 3
Representation Class Code
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values ABY Abstudy
AFP Additional Family Payment
AIC Assistance for Isolated Children
BBY Baby Bonus
BFP Basic Family Payment
CCF Childcare Benefit (Formal)
CCI Childcare Benefit (Informal)
CDA Child Disability Allowance
CLS Low Income Supplement
COS Child Care Operator System
DAP Dad and Partner Pay
DOP Double Orphan Pension
DPS Disadvantaged Persons Scheme
EMG Emergency Payments
ERP Emergency Recovery Payments
FHA Farm Household Allowance
FPA Family Payment
FSP Future Flexible Support Payment
FTB Family Tax Benefit
FTP Family Tax Payment
GPY Generic Payments
MAT Maternity Allowance
MEP Medical Equipment Payment
MIA Maternity Immunisation
MOB Mobility Allowance
MPY Maternity Payment
NOM Nominee
NRR Non Resident Refugee
NSS Newstart
PEN Pensions
PES Pensioner Education Supplement
PGA Parenting Allowance
PPL Paid Parental Leave
RCA Residential Care Allowance
SBP Stillborn Baby Payment
SHC Seniors Health Card
SVB Savings Bonus Scheme
TLA Transition to Independent Living
VSR GOP Virtual Service Reason


Benefit group can be defined as a collection of functionally related benfit types that: - are mutually exclusive - have some similar legislative characteristics - will be dealt with by one ent. calc. cluster - will use a common screen flow for new claims or reassessments. A benefit group is one in which a customer can be eligible for only one benefit type in the benefit group at one time. For example, within the Pensions Benefit Group, a customer cannot be concurrently eligible for more than one Pensions benefit type. Within ISIS, it should be noted that some Benefits Groups will have a one to one relationship to their Benefit System, while in other instances many Benefit Groups will relate to one Benefit System. Similarly some Benefit Groups will have a one to one relationship to their Benefit Types, while in other instances a Benefit Group may relate to many Benefit Types. NOTE: Emergency Payments are included as a benefit group to allow these payments to be mapped to the SBPY (Small Benefits Payments), even though they may be part of another benefit group. For example, DR (Disaster Payment) is part of NSS.

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Relation Count
Input in Derivations 0
Output in Derivations 0
Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 0
Inclusion in Data Distributions 3
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0