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The Children Cluster defines information about recipients of Centrelink benefits who have children for whom they are eligible to receive a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) payment, a Double Orphan Pension or a Multiple Birth Allowance.

Metadata items in this Data Set Specification

Below is a list of all the components within this Dataset Specification.
Each entry includes the item name, whether the item is optional, mandatory or conditional and the maximum times the item can occur in a dataset.
If the items must occur in a particular order in the dataset, the sequence number is included before the item name.

Data Elements
Reference Data Element Data Type Length Inclusion #
Recipient - Family Tax Benefit Child, Total Number
Specific Information:

Number of Family Tax Benefit children refers to the variable NUM_FTB_CHILD in the PIA research data set.

Up to 16 children may be recorded.

Conditional Inclusion:

Conditional on the recipient being eligible for family tax benefit.

Number 2 conditional 1
PIA_Recipient—youngest family tax benefit child date of birth (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Specific Information:

Youngest Family Tax Benefit child date of birth refers to the variable YGEST_FTB_CHD_DOB_SHORT in the PIA research data set.

Conditional Inclusion:

Conditional on the recipient being eligible for family tax benefit.

Date/Time 6 conditional 1
Recipient—regular care child, total number N[N]
Specific Information:

Number of regular care children refers to the variable NUM_RCC_CHILD in the PIA research data set.

Up to 16 children may be recorded.

Conditional Inclusion:

Conditional on the recipient having care of a child between 14% and 34% of the time.

Number 2 conditional 1
PIA_Recipient—youngest regular care child date of birth (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Specific Information:

Youngest regular care child date of birth refers to the variable YGEST_RCC_CHD_DOB_SHORT in the PIA research data set.

Conditional Inclusion:

Conditional on the recipient having care of a child between 14% and 34% of the time.

Date/Time 6 conditional 1
Recipient—Double Orphan Pension eligibility indicator, yes/missing code A
Specific Information:

Double Orphan Pension eligibility indicator refers to the variable FTB_DOP_ELIG_IND in the PIA research data set.

String 1 mandatory 1
Recipient—multiple birth indicator, yes/missing code A
Specific Information:

Multiple birth indicator refers to the variable MUL_BIRTH_ELIG_IND in the PIA research data set.

String 1 mandatory 1


Family Tax Benefit Part A or B

A FTB payment is a two-part payment that helps with the cost of raising children. To be eligible for the payment a recipient must:

  • have a dependent child (aged 015 years), or secondary student younger than 20 years of age who is not receiving a pension, payment or benefit such as Youth Allowance
  • provide care for the child for at least 35% of the time
  • meet an income test.

A young person aged 19 can be an FTB child up to the end of the calendar year in which they turn 19, as long as they are in full-time secondary study.

Double Orphan Pension

The Double Orphan Pension is a payment to a recipient who cares for a child where:

  • both parents deceased, or
  • one parent is deceased and the other parent is: in prison for at least 10 years, or held on remand and charged with an offence that may be punishable by imprisonment for a term of at least 10 years, or in a psychiatric hospital or nursing home for an indefinite period of time, or uncontactable, that is, whose whereabouts are unknown, or
  • both parents live outside Australia or their whereabouts are unknown, and the child has been granted refugee status by the Australian Government, or admitted into Australia under a special humanitarian program approved by the Minister with portfolio responsibility and has not at any time lived in Australia with either or both parents.

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Relation Count
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0

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