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The reason a payment is suspended or cancelled represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Suspension or cancellation reason code 0.2 ".
Data Type String
Format XXX
Maximum character length 3
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values # #N/A
16C Care receiver aged 16 or more
25H Carer working more than 25 hours
6WK Overseas for 6 weeks
ABS In receipt of Abstudy
ACC Awaiting further contact - Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP)
ADE Deceased (applicant) *auto
ADL Adult not qual in mul care
ADV Susp to recover adv payment *cnv
AED Allowable time end date reached *auto
AFE Failed to enrol in Fulltime Education
AGC DSS age pension paid by DVA *auto
AGD Doesn't meet age requirements *auto
AGE Does not meet age requirements *auto
AGO Student too old for abt
AGR Failed agreement specific rules
AGU Student too young to get abt
AHS Thp score less than 12.00
AIR Additional information required
AIU Actual income unknown
ANQ Applicant not qualified
ANR Non-Attendance report received
AOP Applicant overseas permanently
AOS AOS in force for customer
AOT Applicant other reasons
APA Did not attend participation appointment or activity
APC Awaiting partner claim
APP Full-time apprenticeship
APR Cancelled at request of applicant
ARE Approved reason portability ended
ASS Assets over limit
AT2 Applicant overseas temp > 2 years
ATA Awaiting tax notice assessment *auto
ATC Apprenticeship ceased *auto
ATN Schools Enrolment and Attendance Measure (SEAM) attendance
ATO Customer must lodge with ATO not Centrelink *auto
ATR Allowable time reached
AUB Auto transferred to FTB part B only
BAA Delayed entering into a Job Services Provider [agreement] with [a] Job Network Member
BAC Did not declare abandoned Fulltime Studies
BAE Failed activity test (employment)
BAG Refused to sign PFWA
BAI Failed to attend a job interview
BAJ Failed Act test (Job Seeker Diary Review)
BAM Non-attendance for an assessment
BAN Bank account not nominated
BAP Failed to attend interview to enter into a Preparing for Work Agreement with a Job Network Member
BAR Failed to attend a rehab course
BAS Failed act test (SU19NR review)
BAT Failed activity test
BAW Failed to attend interview to enter into a Preparing for Work Agreement
BAX Didn't complete labour market prog
BBT Failed act test (training component)
BCA Failed to comply with terms of Job Services Provider
BCC Failed to notify [of] change of circumstance
BCP Failed to attend Job Search Training interview to enter into a Job Search Skill Plan
BCS Failed to attend suitable job interview arranged by Job Network Member
BCT Failed to comply with terms of CPA
BDP Failed act test (result of DP rev)
BDS Failed to start job as planned
BEA Failed Act test (result of Employer Contact Certificate)
BEC Did not return Employer Contact Certificate
BEE Failed to declare earnings [from] Employment
BEN Receiving FaCS benefit or YTA *auto
BFA Didn't keep appoint with field ass
BFD Failed to attend interview to enter into a Job Search Training Preparing For Work Agreement
BFE Failed to enrol in fulltime education
BFG Delayed entering a JST PFWA
BFI Didn't attend Centrelink interview
BFJ Failed to attend intensive review interview
BFP Failed/delayed job search skill plan
BFS Failed to attend information seminar
BIA Fail to attend IRM/DPR interview (for Preparing For Work Agreement)
BII Failed to attend IRM interview
BIW Failed to attend WFD interview
BJA Fail to return Job Seeker Diary (for Preparing For Work Agreement)
BJD Failed to return Jobseeker Diary
BJM Failed to comply with Preparing For Work Agreement
BM8 Failed to attend Mutual Obligation 8 week review interview
BM9 Failed to attend Mutual Obligation 13WK interview
BMA Refused mutual obligation agreement
BMC Dismissal from employment for misconduct
BME Failed to attend Compulsory Mutual Obligation Interview
BMF Failed to meet terms of Mutual Obligation Agreement
BMI Failed to attend initial Mutual Obligation Interview
BML Failed to reply to Mutual Obligation request
BMO Failed to attend MO completion interview
BMP Failed to attend initial Mutual Obligation interview
BMR Failed to attend MO review interview
BMS Failed to attend Mutual Obligation seminar
BNA Failed to attend PFWA appointment
BNB Fail attend PFWA I/V after think time
BNC Did not attend Centrelink appointment
BNI Failed to attend Newstart interview
BNT Not taking reasonable steps to obtain work
BOA Failed out of area job search
BPC Did not attend initial personal adviser appointment
BPE Living arrangements ceased
BPF Did not attend personal adviser review appointment
BPR FTA PAA review interview
BRE Breach rejected
BRL Failed to respond to letters - not Job Seeker Diary/IRM
BRM Didn't reply to JSD/IRM/DPR letters
BRR Failed to return review
BRV Bereavement
BSA Unsatisfactory attendance at PSP placement
BSD Failed to att exp to start date
BSE Failed to commence JST PFWA
BSH Second home base for family business
BSL Didn't notify change of study load
BSP Failed to comply with JSSP [Job plan]
BSS Secondary Student unapproved absences
BST Failed to Comply with Job Search Training Preparing For Work Agreement
BTI Failed to attend Interview with a Job Network Member
BTJ Failed to attend Job search training interview (JSSP) [Job plan]
BTK Failed to attend Job search training interview (Preparing For Work Agreement)
BTR Cancelled on benefit transfer
BTW Failed to attend Work for the Dole interview
BUS Declined the offer of a suitable job
BVP Bereavement period ended *auto
BVQ Didn't complete activity - miscond/viol
BVR Failed to agree to terms varying Job Service Provider
BVS Fail to start Job Service Provider Act on agreed date
BVT Failed to attend Vocation transition interview
BVU Voluntarily unemployed
BVW Fail to comply with Job Service Provider - Unsatisfactory Attendance
BWA Unsatisfactory attendance at a Work for the Dole activity
BWC Failed to commence Work for the Dole /Community Work activity
BWE Failed act test work intention form
BWG Failed to enter into Work for the Dole / Community Work Preparing For Work Agreement [with] Community Work Co-ordinators
BWM Unsat participation in WFD activity
BWR Refused referral to WFD project
BWS Failed to attend Work for the Dole seminar
BXB Failed to comply with PFWA for CW
C06 Youngest Parenting Payment child 6 Yrs and over
C08 Yngst pp child 8 yrs and over *auto*
C12 12 months passed since DOB/DOC
C13 Child overseas 13 Weeks
C16 Child turned 16 *auto
C26 Child overseas 26 Weeks
C6W Child overseas 6 Weeks
CA1 No adequate care
CA2 Waiting for adequate care
CAB Carer absent for > 20 hrs per week
CAD Cancelled-death(automatic)
CAI Yr2 claim, assessable yr1/taxable yr2
CAP Did not attend Cape York initial interview
CAR Not caring for caree
CAS Caree assets too high
CCO Claim not complete
CDE Death of caree
CDP In receipt of CDEP *auto
CDR Customer failed to re-engage
CEN Caree earnings preclude payment
CFE Cwlth funded employment program
CFP Fail to claim Foreign Payment
CHD Death of child *auto
CHO Child out of customer care
CHP Did not attend child protection initial i/view
CHQ Child not qual in cmb/mul care
CI1 No care, no income
CID Caree not provided poi *auto
CIH Caree income too high
CIO Failed to provide ciof
CLE Claim lodged early
CLQ Client request
CLR Withdrawn/Voluntary surrender
CM2 Waiting for care, no maintenance
CMI Compensation settlement under investigation
CMP Precluded due to periodic compo *auto
CMU Mul care requirement not met *auto
CNA Claim not appropriate
CNC Course not commenced
CNP Child caree not profoundly disabled
CNQ Caree not residentially qualified
CNR Cancelled, review not returned
COM Compensation preclusion period
COP Another payment is more appropriate
COR Corrupt record
COS Caree overseas 3 months *auto
COT Cancelled-other
CPD Change in personal details only
CPE Care period end
CPG Child shared with oth PPP client
CPN CDEP-no add-ons or cps payable *auto
CPP Clt on precluding payt
CRQ Customer request
CSU Continuity of schooling unapproved
CVC To be claimed via clk
CYE No current year estimate
DAP Dap already payable
DCE Circumstances certificate expired
DCP Did not contact provider to re-engage
DDI No response digital declaration *auto
DDN Direct deduction income too high*auto
DEA Death customer
DEF JNS deferment period *auto
DEL Delete record
DEN Drought end date + 12 months reached
DEP Dependent student *auto
DLT Disability/incapacity is long-term
DNC Did not commence studying
DNI Deemed not isolated
DNL Did not lodge form *auto
DNR Did not lodge review form
DOP Departure o/seas permanently
DOS Departure/absence overseas
DOT Departure/Absence overseas temporary
DPA Death of partner
DPE Death of partner - no BVP
DPI Income precludes on death of partner
DST Disability is short term
DVA Service pen/income support supplement *auto
DVS F & DV Claim Not Supported
DXP Max amount ppl/dap payable
E13 Earnings excess up to 3 Months
E6F Earnings precl for 6 consec f/n
E6P Partner earnings precl for 6 f/n
EAC End of ATO claim period
EAL Earn preclude payment - Late notification of Return to Work
EAM Earn preclude payt-late notified
EAN Earnings preclude payment (Disability Support Pension)
ECL End of Centrelink lumpsum claim period
EDP Claim lodged after pens end date
EDR End date reached *auto
EED Eligibility end date reached (SPL)
EIC Excess inc from NEIS/AEIS (CLT)
EIP Excess inc from NEIS/AEIS (PTN)
EIS NEIS (New Enterprise Incentive Scheme)/AEI Direct deduction applied
EMP Not unemployed/employed/self employ
ENA Estimated income not accepted
ENN Schools Enrolment and Attendance Measure (SEAM) Enrolment
ENP Estimate reason letter sent. No TNA
ENQ Pending enquiries
EON End of non-benefit pp *auto
EOP End of payment *auto
EPE Extension period ended
ES1 Failed to attend 1st cycle Employment Services Assessment (ESAT) appointment
ES2 Failed to attend 2nd cycle Employment Services Assessment (ESAT) appointment
ESA Failed to attend ESAT appointment
ESR Estimate rejected
EST No TNA supplied
ETA Education allowance
EX2 #N/A
EXP Expired *auto
EXR Exceeds inc/assets in foreign reval
FAD Caree didn't meet ADAT score *auto
FAI Fail to attend interview
FAR Former resident left within 2 yr
FAT Not meeting activity test requirements
FCA Failure to confirm DEEWR address
FCC Fail to claim compensation
FCJ Failed to connect with JNM
FD2 Failed to comply with comp act 2nd
FDA Failed to comply with comp activity
FDH Failed to attend DHS parents next appointment
FDP Fail to develop action plan
FEA Failed to enter a participation agreement
FED Ffrs end date reached *auto
FET Failed 1/7/00 eligibility test *auto
FFA Fail to obtain professional advice
FFF Ffr customer obtained finance
FFM Not entitled after 6 month review
FFV Fail to do farm financial assessment
FI2 Failed to attend Participation Interview
FIA Family actual means dtls not provided
FIH Family actual means too high
FJP Failed to agree to job plan
FLC Failed to respond to Life Certificate (IOB)
FLP Ffrs lump sum precludes *auto
FME Fail to attend ESAT (Employment Services Assessment)/ Job capacity assessment appointment
FOE Returned to work *deet auto
FOS Ftr overseas review *auto
FPA Failed parents next compulsory activity
FPC Fta participation contact i/view*auto
FPD Forgn pen direct dedn applied*auto
FPE Failed to provide evidence of participation
FPP Failure to initiate pathway plan
FPR Failed to attend interview re Participation report
FRC Fail to reply to correspondence
FRP Failed to report *auto
FRR Ftr mail review form
FRS Ftr trust and co data collection*auto
FRT Failed to reply to Trust and Co correspondence
FS2 Failed to sign participation plan 2nd
FSA Did not enter into job plan with DHS
FSD Fail to supply documents
FSP Failed to sign participation plan
FSS No reply to income stream review
FTC Failed to contact
FTE Full-time employment, earned income not advised
FTI Failed to attend interview
FTM Failed to respond to Disability Support Pension medical update
FTR Ftr compulsory form
FTS Full time study
FTW Return to Work 30 Hrs - notify <14 days
FTX Return to Work 15+Hrs non/gfather - notify <14 days
FTY Return to Work 30+Hrs - notify >14 days
FTZ Return to Work 15+Hrs non/gfather - notify > 14days
FVT Failed to attend Vocational transition interview
FWC Ft employment, WC balance is zero
FWP Failed attend provider parents next ap
GAO Client in jail
GCD Failed to attend/participate in GCD
GEP Group employment program
GFR Grandfathering revoked
GLA Grant living allowance
GNF Green Army full-time with training allowance
GNI Grant of non income tested card
GNP Green Army part-time with training allowance
GOS Gone Overseas
GPS App in lawful custody/psych care
GRE Placed on Greencorp program
GWN Customer gone overseas without notifying
GWR Rent assistance portability review
HAR Not considered to be in hardship
HBE Caree hospital bank exceeded
HOS Ptn discharged from mental hosp
HPD Susp. In lieu of hol pay
HSP Hospitalisation bank exceeded
IAU Caree income & assets unknown *auto
IBT Internal benefit transfer
ICL Insufficient care load
IEU Income exceeds upper limit
IMN Income maintenance non-payment period
IMP Customer in Prison
INC Excess income
IND Involved in industrial action
INE Partner excess income *auto
INM Fail to contact after auto IM
INP Income details not provided
INS Caree in instit 7 paydays *auto
INT Caree in inst-didnt notify 14days
INV Investigation
ISE Income support entitlement
ITB Intent to Board
ITC Carer payment manual can for ICOA
ITM One of a couple i/s transfer
ITO Interstate transfer out *auto
JC1 Failed to attend 1st cycle ESAT (Employment Services Assessment) appointment
JC2 Failed to attend 2nd cycle ESAT (Employment Services Assessment) appointment
JCA Failed to attend JCA appointment
JRC Jobseeker registration cancelled
JSC Jobseeker rego cancelled on request
JSK Customer undertaking Jobskills course
JSW Failed to attend Job Seeker Workshop
L3M Care period required < 3 mths
L3Y Non-lodger prohibition 1 or 2 years
LAT Left apprenticeship *auto
LBE Left business enterprise
LCC Child left care of applicant
LFM Left farming
LIB Late income confirmation - both
LIC Late income confirmation - customer
LIP Late income confirmation - partner
LLF Su19 late lodged
LMB Late inc confirmation - both (manual)
LMC Late inc confirmation - cust (manual)
LMP Late inc confirmation - ptnr (manual)
LOC Claimed in area of low empl. Oppt.
LOW Entered area of low employment opportunity
LRV Late return from vacation
LSC Late start to nominated course(>2wks)
LT3 Care period provided < 3 mths
LTM Course of study less than 12 months
M16 Med report signed after child 16 yrs
M2Y Migrant 2 year waiting period
MAI Second home not maintained - sha
MAR Marriage
MCC Medical evidence not provided (tdr)
MCQ 2 or more child not profound disabled
MCR Multiple children reject
MCX Medical certificate expired
MED Medically unfit for f/t emp *cnv
MIW Manifest - contin incap to work <2yrs
MNI Manifest - not sufficient impairment
MOC Member of a couple
MOT Manifest - not eligible for Disability Support Pension
MRN Medical review not returned
MTB TFN mismatch for customer and partner
MTC TFN mismatch for customer
MTM Manifest - temporary
MTP TFN mismatch for partner
MWK Manifest - can work 30 Hrs P/W
MWL Manifest - can work 15+ hrs p/w
N3P Partner non-lodger prohibition
N3Y Non-lodger prohibition 3 years
NA Not applicable
NAA No Activity agreement signed
NAB Not an aboriginal
NAC Enrolled in unapproved course
NAI Not an approved institution
NAR Not resident in Aust (agreement)
NAS Not a student
NAU Not residing in Australia *auto
NDC No departure certificate
NDE No dependent children
NDT Medical conditions not FDTS
NEB Not eligible blended
NEI Customer is self-employed under NEIS
NER Not eligible for rent assistance
NEX Under 18 - no exemption to studies
NFC No further contact -CDEP only *auto
NFS Not full time student
NFT Parent not F/T in perm home - sha
NGI Not geographically isolated
NIA Not located in Australia
NIC Not in care
NIE No instalment entitlement
NIT Not itinerant
NIW Not incapacitated for work
NLB Non lodger - both
NLC Non lodger - customer
NLE Student studying at unapproved level
NLP Overseas - paid 6 monthly (IOB)
NLS Non lodger - partner
NMP No method of payment specified
NMQ Not medically qualified
NNB Start date is>15 wks in the future
NNL Student does not normally live here
NOI Non-income tested card
NOP Non-approved living arrangement
NPB Not permanently blind
NPC No primary care, claim rsns unaccep
NPE Not primary entitlement - partner
NPI Proof of income not provided
NPO DSP/PPS secondary/tertiary student
NPR Non payment rate
NPS Student not permanently settled
NPV No permanent visa *auto
NQF Not a qualified farmer
NRQ Not residentially qualified
NRV Failed to respond to verification request
NSD No longer severely disabled
NSE No eligible student in second home
NSH Adult caree not severely disabled
NSI Less than 20pts impaired *auto
NSQ Sh sibling not qualified
NSR Not sufficient residence
NSS Newstart cancelled - review form
NST Not a full-time student
NSV Non-protected scv holder *auto
NTB Clt & ptn fail to advise tfn *auto
NTC Clt failed to advise tfn *auto
NTI No longer terminally ill
NTP PTN failed to advise Tax File Number
NTV Does not hold a temp visa (spl only)
NUE Not considered to be unemployed
NVB Income not available - both
NVC Income not available - customer
NVP Income not available - partner
NW2 Residency less than 104 weeks *auto
NWO New work opportunity
NZO Autonomous pens perm in nz pre 1/7/02
NZP NZ agmt pensioner perm os *auto
NZT 1995 NZ agmt pens temp os
O12 Overseas 12 months
O13 Overseas 13 weeks
O19 Overseas more than 19 weeks
O26 Overseas 26 weeks
O28 Overseas more than 28 days
O3M Customer overseas > 3 months *auto
O3Y Overseas for 3 years *auto
O4W Overseas 4 weeks (NZ only)
O56 Overseas for 56 weeks
O6W Overseas 6 weeks
O70 Farm income source less than 70%
OA6 Overseas again within 6 weeks
OAC Child returned overseas again
OAL Outside allowable period
OAO Overseas again within 13 weeks
OAP Overseas again after within 26 weeks*auto
OAT Outside allowable timeframe*auto
OCI Did not attend ongoing contact interview
OCL Oth person has claimed this/oth child
OCR One child reject
OFS Student not living in Australia
OGA Other government assistance
OIS Off income support - no income details provided
OML Outside allowable period (manual)
ONQ TPV holder left Australia. Nrq *auto
OSA Other means of support available
OSC Overseas extension ended
OSV Temp visa holder, no return to aust
OTH Other
OVP Overpayment investigation
OVS Not in Australia
PAH Parental assets too high
PAI Amount paid via portable pension*auto
PBT T/f to parenting partnered *auto
PCA Failed to Comply with Activity Agreement with ESP
PCD Failed to provide course details
PCI Failed to attend participation contact interview
PCL Ptnr claiming this/oth child in fam
PCP Ptn claiming PGA
PCR Prior cancellation to be reviewed*auto
PDD No payment destination details
PEA Partner entitled via ATO
PEC Partner entitled via Centrelink
PEN Receiving pension payment *auto
PER Failed to reply to income & assets update
PI3 Failed to attend 3rd participation interview
PIA Parental income & assets not provided
PIE Failed to verify Parental income
PIH Parental income too high
PIJ Failed to attend participation Interview with Job Active provider
PIM Income maintenance period preclusion applied
PIP Failed to attend participation interview with personal adviser
PIT Yr1 claim, taxable inc exceeds limits
PJA Failure to return JSD
PMT Inadequate child support received
PNM Period of medical condition not met
PNQ Partner not qualified
PNR PTN not qualified due to earnings/full-time work
POC Payability overseas ceased
POE Proof of enrolment not provided
POI Proof of identity not provided
POS Has not act part suitable program
PPA Partner paid via ATO
PPC Not ppl primary carer
PPL Ppl already payable
PPM Parenting plan missing
PPN Periodic payments ceased
PPR Proportional on zero months
PRH Second home is permanent home
PRO PAA review is outstanding
PRP Ptn receiving PGA *auto
PSA Primary & secondary inc above threshold
PSC Partner's status has changed
PSY Customer in mental institution
PTA Primary income above threshold
PTB Primary income below threshold
PTC Agreement Pen in non-qualified country
PTF Parent tfn not supplied
PTN Living with ptn
PTW Failed to attend Work for the Dole interview
PVA TPV holder-change spl cat due to age
PVW Failed to comply with JSP - Unsat attendance
QNV Y12/Equivalent qualification not verified
QTN Health prof assess not returned
R16 Non-return of child 16 review form*a
R21 Non-return of child 21 review form*a
RAB Review of Aboriginality incomplete
RAS Receives RA/similar govt asst for sh
RAU Caree not residing in Australia
RBE Caree respite bank exceeded
RDC Returned direct credit payment
RDI Not living in special institution
RFR No response to recovery fee letter
RHB No longer attending a rehab program
RLQ Relinquished youth allowance
RNL Spl review not lodged
RNP Residence details not provided
RNR Circumstance review not completed
ROL Failed to return ROLA/MLR
RPV Caree has no permanent visa
RRA Paid ready reserve educations assist.
RSC Receiving a CECS or CAS scholarship
RSK >20pts impaired/can be reskilled
RSL >20pts impaired/reskill 15+ hrs p/w
RSP Respite bank exceeded
RSV Caree is non-protected SCV holder
RTA Returned to Australia (iob)
RTM Failed to reply-AOLA review type M
RTS Ftr-Aola review type s
RTW Returned to work
RWP Employment status
S16 Student turning 16
S19 Student turns 19
S20 Student turns 20
S21 Pes student turned 21
SAC In state authorised care
SBT T/f to parenting payment single *auto
SCA SHC Senior Concession Allowance only
SCN Special circ reqs not met
SCP Pps cancelled, PPP not payable *auto
SCS Student has ceased studying *auto
SDE Sold the business
SDT T/f to pps in bereavement period
SEP Not living with ptn or single
SH2 Maximum of 2 sha siblings exceeded
SH3 Maximum of 3 sha siblings exceeded
SHP Sh normal res sep'ed/div'ed parent
SIF Single income family supplement
SLR Study load reduced
SMC Dismissed from employment due to misconduct
SNE Not enrolled at education institution
SNG Separated from ptn at death
SNJ No longer has job to return to
SOB Partner gets precluding payment
SOC SIFS only claim
SPA Spouse paid already
SPM Married sole parent - transfer to PPP
SPP Partner has precluding payment *auto
SPR Failed to return sole parent review form
SRE Not meeting study requirements
SRF Partner receiving lic *auto
SSS No longer intends returning to study
SST No job or no longer intends study
STE Studies ended
STU Cust commence/resume studies *auto
SUN Payment sunsetted - not eligible
SVU Voluntarily unemployed - Left without good reason
SWP Seasonal work preclusion period
T06 Customer overseas for more than 6 weeks (FTB Part B only)
T13 Customer overseas for more than 13 weeks (FTB Part B only)
T16 Turning 16
T18 Terminal ill child 18 yrs or over
TAL SHC Telephone Allowance only
TED Tertiary end date
THP Health prof score too low *auto
THS Thp score equals 0 or less
TID Tax instalment deductions declared*au
TOO Ato payment option requested *auto
TOS Temp o/s longer than allowable per.
TTP Transfer to partner
ULA Unlinked from applicant
UMD Studying unapproved mst or doc
VED Visa end date reached *auto
VMR Vol Sur/Member of a couple
VSM Marriage like relationship
VSS Voluntary surrender single
VST Voluntary surrender trust and co
W16 Last child turned 16
W40 Widowing event prior to age 40
WDC Consent withdrawn
WDR Cust requested JSR canc *deet auto
WFT >20pts impaired/can work full time
WFU >20pts impaired/can work 15+ hrs p/w
WUK Whereabouts unknown
X4Y Expiry of 208 weeks of ska
X52 Expiry of 52 weeks spl-short term
X65 Expiry of 65 weeks spl-short term
YAA Claimed YAL/AUS/ABY as an apprentice
YAR Failed to return parental income test/Family Assets Maintenance Test review form
YBS Youth bonus wage subsidy
ZEP Zero entitlement preclusion
[blank] Missing

Custom Fields

Information Class
  • Benefit entitlements and payments

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Relation Count
Input in Derivations 0
Output in Derivations 0
Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 2
Inclusion in Data Distributions 15
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0