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Longitudinal history of Pensioner Concession Card Determinations for individual recipients in DOMINO.

Data source details

Format type
sas7bdat or delimited
Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
~.ccd_pcc_ext.ext_dom_person_id Recipient: DOMINO person identifier, ID number

A synthetic numeric sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a unique DOMINO entity.

Number N[15]
~.ccd_pcc_ext.period_end_date Event: Period end date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a reporting period relating to an event ends, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.ccd_pcc_ext.period_start_date Event: Period start date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a reporting period relating to an event commences, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.ccd_pcc_ext.action_date Payment: Concession card actioned date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a concession card is actioned, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.ccd_pcc_ext.card_issue_date Payment: Concession card issue date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a concession card is issued.

~.ccd_pcc_ext.card_start_date Payment: Concession card start date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a concession card starts (i.e. is able to be used), expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.ccd_pcc_ext.card_end_date Payment: Concession card expiry date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a concession card expires, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.ccd_pcc_ext.pending_flag Payment: Concession card pending flag, Code

Indicates whether a concession card is pending.

Boolean A
~.ccd_pcc_ext.card_postcode Address: Concession card Australian postcode, Code

The Australian numeric descriptor for a postal delivery area for an address.

String NNNN
~.ccd_pcc_ext.card_state_code Payment: Concession card state, Code

The state or territory in which a concession card is issued.

CharacterString XXX
~.ccd_pcc_ext.concession Payment: Concession card type, Code

The type of concession a recipient receives, as represented by a code.

CharacterString AAA
~.ccd_pcc_ext.ent_type Payment: Entitlement type, Code

The type of entitlement a client is eligible for, as represented by a code.

String AAA
~.ccd_pcc_ext.reason_code Payment: Concession card (re)issue reason, Code

Reason why a client has requested a concession card issue/ reissue/ interim voucher issue.

String AAA
~.ccd_pcc_ext.end_reason_code Payment: Concession card end reason, Code

The end reason for a concession card as defined by a code.

CharacterString XXX
~.ccd_pcc_ext.ext_dom_child_id_count Payment: Concession card number of listed children, Number

The total number of children listed on a concession card.

Number {NNNN}N
~.ccd_pcc_ext.ext_dom_partner_id Payment: Concession card partner identifier, ID number

A numeric sequence of characters assigned by Centrelink that identifies the partner of a recipient on a concession card.

Number N[15]
~.ccd_pcc_ext.ext_dom_fst_child_id Payment: Concession card foster child identifier, ID number

A randomised numeric sequence of characters assigned by Centrelink that identifies a foster child listed on a concession card.

Number N[15]
~.ccd_pcc_ext.ext_dom_cda_child_id Payment: Carer Allowance child identifier, ID number

A randomised numeric sequence of characters assigned by Centrelink that identifies whether there is a child in receipt of Carer Allowance.

Number N[15]
~.ccd_pcc_ext.ext_dom_child_id_list Payment: Concession card child(ren) identifier, Text

A numeric sequence of characters assigned by Centrelink that identifies the child(ren) of a recipient on a concession card.

String X{255}
~.ccd_pcc_ext.ext_dom_oth_child_id Payment: Concession card other child identifier, ID number

A randomised numeric sequence of characters assigned by Centrelink that identifies an "other" child listed on a concession card.

Number N[15]
~.ccd_pcc_ext.ext_dom_dep_customer_id Payment: Concession card dependent customer identifier, ID number

A randomised numeric sequence of characters assigned by Centrelink that identifies a dependent customer listed on a concession card.

Number N[15]