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Benefit determination history of individual Welfare recipients. The determination history describes periods of welfare receipt where individuals had a benefit status of current or suspended. Periods of cancellation or not on welfare are not represented in the table, but left as vacant periods outside the event period start date and period end date ranges.

Data source details

Format type
sas7bdat or delimited
Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
~.det_ben_ext.ext_dom_person_id Recipient: DOMINO person identifier, ID number

A synthetic numeric sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a unique DOMINO entity.

Specific Information:

May also be called a project specific id e.g. MAIN_PERSON_ID or SURE_ID for ABS and RARG releases respectively.

Number N[15]
~.det_ben_ext.period_start_date Event: Period start date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a reporting period relating to an event commences, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.det_ben_ext.period_end_date Event: Period end date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a reporting period relating to an event ends, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.det_ben_ext.ben_type_code Payment: Benefit type, Code

The type of Australian government benefit a Welfare recipient receives, as represented by a code.

String AAA{A}
~.det_ben_ext.ben_status Payment: Benefit status, Code

The status of a government payment event, as represented by a code.

String AAA
~.det_ben_ext.end_rsn_code Payment: Reason for payment suspension or cancellation, Code

The reason a payment is suspended or cancelled represented by a code.

String XXX
~.det_ben_ext.end_rsn Event: Benefit end status, Code

Code indicating whether a payment has been suspended or cancelled at the end of a payment event marking the nature of the event finalisation transition.

String AA{A}
~.det_ben_ext.durn_days Event: Event period duration, Number

The duration of a reporting episode expressed as number of days.

Number {NNNN}N

Custom Fields

Guide for Use

The period end date should be treated as inclusive when determining information validity where the end date represents the date of record status change. For example, event window covers [period_start_date, period_end_date] and selecting a sample date should be of the form period_start_date ≤ sample date ≤ period_end_date.