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The type of Australian government benefit a Welfare recipient receives, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Benefit type code 0.3 ".
Data Type String
Format AAA{A}
Maximum character length 4
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values ABA Abstudy - Schooling Applicant
ABS ABSTUDY - Secondary/Tertiary - CEPS
ABY Abstudy
AEP Admin ETR Payment
AGE Age Pension
AIC Assistance for Isolated Children
ASP Approved Service provider
AUS Austudy
BBY Baby Bonus
BRV Bereavement Payment CDA
BSW Business Services Wage Assessment Tool
BVA Bereavement Allowance
CAR Carer Payment
CCF Child Care Benefit (Formal)
CCI Child Care Benefit (Informal)
CDA Carer Allowance
CEA Clean Energy Advance
CLS Low Income Supplement
DAP Dad and Partner Pay
DOP Double Orphan Pension
DRP Drought Relief Payment
DSP Disability Support Pension
DWS Disability Wage Supplement
ECP Exceptional Circumstance Payment
EIC Assistance for Isolated Children
EMG Emergency Payment
EPA Pensioner Education Supp. - Abstudy
EPF Pensioner Education Supp. - FaCS
ERA Emergency Recovery Assistance
ERP Emergency Recovery Payment
FFR Farm Family Restart
FHA Farm Household Allowance
FHS Farm Household Support
FPA Family Allowance
FSP Future Flexible Support Payment [or Australian Emergency Pandemic Income Support]
FTB Family Tax Benefit
FTP Family Tax Payment
GSR Savings Bonus GSR Assistance Scheme
INM Income Management
JSA Job Search Allowance
JSP Jobseeker Payment
LIC Low Income Card
MAA Mature Age Allowance
MAT Maternity Allowance
MEP Medical Equipment Payment
MIA Maternity Immunisation Allowance
MOB Mobility Allowance
MPA Mature Age Partner Allowance
MPY Maternity Payment
NMA Newstart Mature Age Allowance
NSA Newstart Allowance
NSS Newstart
OVR Advance over recovered
PBB Pension Bereavement Bonus Payment
PDB Pensions Deferred Bonus
PEN Pensions
PES Pensioner Education Supplement
PGA Parenting Allowance
PPL Parental Leave Pay
PPP Parenting Payment Partnered
PPS Parenting Payment Single
PTA Partner Allowance
RHB Rehabilitation Allowance
RRG Farm Help - Re Establishment Grant
SBP Stillborn Baby Payment
SHC Senior Health Card
SKA Sickness Allowance
SPL Special Benefit
SPP Sole Parent Pension
SVG Savings Bonus GST Assistance Scheme
SVK Savings Bonus for existing CIS customers
SVT Savings Bonus via ATO
SVV Savings Bonus via DVA
SVW Savings Bonus paid by CLK
TLA Transition to Independent Living Allowance
WDA Widow Allowance
WFA Wife Pension (Age Pension)
WFD Wife Pension (Disability Support Pension)
WFR Wife Pension (Rehabilitation Allowance)
WFW Wife Pension (Disability Wage Supplement)
WID Widow B Pension
UNK Unknown
YAL Youth Allowance
YTA Youth Training Allowance
JMP Settlement
Supplementary Values FTBA Family Tax Benefit Part A
FTBB Family Tax Benefit Part B
RAF Rent Assistance Family
RAG Rent Assistance Parenting
RAN Rent Assistance Newstart
RAP Rent Assistance Pension
RAS Rent Assistance Abstudy
YLA Youth Allowance (Apprentice)
YLO Youth Allowance (Other)
YLS Youth Allowance (Student)

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Relation Count
Input in Derivations 2
Output in Derivations 0
Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 2
Inclusion in Data Distributions 75
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0