ast_sup_beta_ext 0.2
This distribution (AST_SUP) contains a longitudinal history of reported assets that relate to superannuation.
Data source details
Path name | Data Element | Definition | Data Type | Format |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.ext_dom_person_id | Recipient: DOMINO person identifier, ID number |
A synthetic numeric sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a unique DOMINO entity.
Specific Information:
Number | N[15] |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.snid_id | Asset: Superannuation identifier, ID number |
This is a numeric identifier used to identify the superannuation item within a record. This id links the SNID and SNDT groups. As each new superannuation is added, the new ID is calculated by adding 1 to the SUPER.ID currently stored in occurrence 1 of the SNDT group. |
Number | N{N} |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.period_start_date | Event: Period start date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date on which a reporting period relating to an event commences, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD. |
Date | YYYY-MM-DD |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.period_end_date | Event: Period end date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date on which a reporting period relating to an event ends, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD. |
Date | YYYY-MM-DD |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_ass_tst_exempt_ind | Asset: Superannuation asset test exempt indicator, Code |
Indicates if product is asset test exempt. |
Boolean | A |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_can_rsn_code | Asset: Superannuation product cancellation reason, Code |
This element is used to decode the product cancellation reason. |
String | AAA |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_orig_start_date | Asset: Start date of original commuted superannuation product, YYYY-MM-DD |
Start date of original commuted product. (Optional field used to indicate that an assets test exemption applies to a purchased income stream product.) |
Date | YYYY-MM-DD |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_purch_date | Asset: Superannuation purchase date, YYYY-MM-DD |
Superannuation date of purchase. |
Date | YYYY-MM-DD |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_smsf_actrl_cert_date | Asset: Self-managed superannuation fund actuarial certificate date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date which is used to determine when the SMSF/SAF Actuarial Certificate is provided. This field is used to record the start date of the 'in force' period of the actuarial certificate (for more assistance see Guide to Social Security Law). Note that it is not the date that the certificate was signed. It is compulsory coding only when the Income Stream from SMSF/SAF(Self Managed Superannuation Fund /Small APRA Funds) is 'Y', the Section 9A/B/BA Compliant Indicator is 'Y', and the product type is not MLI. This field will trigger the review for the next actuarial certificate. |
Date | YYYY-MM-DD |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_smsf_ind | Asset: Self-managed superannuation fund indicator, Code |
Indicator for Self-Managed Super/Small APRA Fund. |
Boolean | A |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_start_date | Asset: Superannuation start date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date which is used to determine when income is to be assessed. The date the product commences is recorded here. The Commencement Date should be identical to the Purchase Date for non defined benefit products. The Commencement Date is not the date of the first payment. |
Date | YYYY-MM-DD |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_super_type_code | Asset: Superannuation type, Code |
This element is used to decode the superannuation type code held on the database. |
String | AAA |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_yr_rlvnt_num | Asset: Superannuation years of income, Number |
The number of years for which a superannuation product will provide income. |
Number | NN.NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_9ab_cmplc_prdct_ind | Asset: Superannuation is 9AB compliance indicator, Code |
Indicates if the superannuation product is 9A/B compliant. |
Boolean | A |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_acct_bal_amt | Asset: Superannuation account balance amount, Total Australian currency |
Superannuation account balance amount. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_acct_base_ind | Asset: Superannuation account based indicator, Code |
Indicates if product is account-based. |
String | A |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_assmt_man_ind | Asset: Superannuation manual assessment indicator, Code |
Manual assessment indicator. |
String | A |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_chnl_code | Asset: Superannuation income stream channel, Code |
This element is to code by which channel the data was recorded. |
String | AAA |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_dedbl_asset_amt | Asset: Superannuation deductable asset amount, Total Australian currency |
Deductible asset amount. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_indx_meth_code | Asset: Superannuation index method, Code |
This element is used to decode the indexation method. |
String | AAA |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_indx_next_date | Asset: Superannuation next indexation date, YYYY-MM-DD |
Next indexation date. |
Date | YYYY-MM-DD |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_indx_pc | Asset: Superannuation indexation percent, Percentage |
Indexation percentage. |
Number | NNN.NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_jul_1st_acct_bal_amt | Asset: Superannuation account balance amount at 1 July, Total Australian currency |
This field is used to record the balance of the account on the 1 July of this financial year. Maps to Superannuation Detail Account Balance Amount. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_ltst_wdrw_amt | Asset: Superannuation latest withdrawal amount, Total Australian currency |
The latest commutation amount for income stream products. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_mkt_link_gr_amt | Asset: Superannuation market link gross amount, Total Australian currency |
The amount of market-linked superannuation gross amount. The gross amount of superannuation received per period is recorded in Australian dollars and cents. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_orig_purch_amt | Asset: Superannuation original purchase amount, Total Australian currency |
Superannuation product original purchase price. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_prdct_cat_name | Asset: Superannuation product category number, Code |
The number of the product category. |
String | N |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_prev_wdrw_amt | Asset: Superannuation previous withdrawal amount, Total Australian currency |
The amount of previous commutation. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_purch_amt | Asset: Superannuation product purchase price, Total Australian currency |
Superannuation product purchase price. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_pymt_factor_num | Asset: Superannuation payment factor, Amount |
Superannuation payment factor. |
Number | NN.N[9] |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_rsdl_capital_amt | Asset: Superannuation residual capital amount, Total Australian currency |
Residual capital value. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_smsf_actrl_cert_ind | Asset: Self-managed superannuation fund actuarial certificate indicator, Code |
Superannuation Item SMSF/SAF Actuarial Certificate Indicator. This field indicates whether a Self Managed Super/Small APRA Fund Actuarial Certificate has been provided or not. |
Boolean | A |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_sup_dedbl_amt_code | Asset: Superannuation deduction amount, Code |
Indicates the code for the S307-125 Deduction Amount. |
String | A |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_sup_prvdr_dedbl_inc_amt | Asset: Superannuation provider deductable income amount, Total Australian currency |
The amount of previous commutation. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_super_amt_freq_code | Asset: Superannuation amount frequency, Code |
Holds a 3 char code indicating the period for which superannuation is being paid, i.e. weekly, monthly, annual. |
String | XXX |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_super_assbl_inc_amt | Asset: Superannuation assessable income amount, Total Australian currency |
Total annual amount of superannuation to be taken into account for assessment purposes. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_super_asset_amt | Asset: Superannuation asset amount, Total Australian currency |
Superannuation asset amount. For annuities this is the 'Purchase Price' minus the 'Deductible Amt'. The net value should be reduced each year. For super this is the amount of any unclaimed compulsory preserved super to be maintained as an asset. The amount is in recorded in whole dollars, but is stored in cents. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_super_child_paid_amt | Asset: Superannuation child paid amount, Total Australian currency |
The amount of superannuation received from a specific policy for children. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_super_child_paid_num | Asset: Superannuation child paid, Number |
The total number of children for whom additional payments for super are made. |
Number | N[N] |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_super_dedbl_amt | Asset: Superannuation deductable amount, total Australian currency |
This is the superannuation amount provided by the Tax Office. The amount represents the notional return on the purchase price of the superannuation product. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_super_gr_amt | Asset: Superannuation gross amount, Total Australian currency |
The gross amount of superannuation received per period. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_tax_free_old_meth_amt | Asset: Superannuation tax free component old method amount, Total Australian currency |
This element stores the tax-free component amount of a defined benefit calculated using the old method. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_term_elps_yr | Asset: Superannuation term elapsed years, Number |
Term elapsed in years. |
Number | NNN.N |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_term_end_30th_june_ind | Asset: Superannuation term end June indicator, Code |
This field indicates whether a superannuation product has expired on its actual end date or virtual end date. If code 'Y' means term ends on 30 June. If 'N', the term will end on its actual end date. |
Boolean | A |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_term_remain_yr | Asset: Superannuation term remaining years, Number |
This element is for income stream remaining years. |
Number | NNN.N |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_undctd_purch_amt | Asset: Superannuation un-deducted purchase amount, Total Australian currency |
Un-deducted purchase price. |
Decimal | N[9].NN |
~.ast_sup_beta_ext.sup_wdrw_date | Asset: Superannuation withdrawal date, YYYY-MM-DD |
Withdrawal date. |
Date | YYYY-MM-DD |
1 Extraction
The data for this distribution is extracted from the data warehouse at Services Australia. The source tables are detailed below.
- CIRC_SUPER_SNID uniquely identifies the superannuation items.
- CIRC_SUPER_SNDT records changes to superannuation details such as amount at different dates.
Records are extracted from each of these tables with the application of the following filters:
- removing deleted and provisional records, and
- removing records that do not have a logical delete date of 31 December 9999.
2. Episode Generation
The extract from CIRC_SUPER_SNDT is organised chronologically for each recipient and asset based on the date of event.
The episodes are then generated which can be generalised using the variable assignments in Table 1.
Table 1: Generalisation of Episode Generation Variable Assignments
Variable | Assignment |
Person ID | Person ID from extract. |
Period Start Date | Date of Effect from extract. |
Period End Date |
If the last row for the recipient and asset:
Superannuation account balance amount | Superannuation account balance amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation account based indicator | Superannuation account based indicator from extract. |
Superannuation manual assessment indicator | Superannuation manual assessment indicator from extract. |
Superannuation income stream channel | Superannuation income stream channel from extract. |
Superannuation deductable asset amount | Superannuation deductable asset amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation index method | Superannuation index method from extract. |
Superannuation next indexation date | Superannuation next indexation date from extract. |
Superannuation indexation percent | Superannuation indexation percent from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation account balance amount at 1 July | Superannuation account balance amount at 1 July from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation latest withdrawal amount | Superannuation latest withdrawal amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation market link gross amount | Superannuation market link gross amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation original purchase amount | Superannuation original purchase amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation product category number | Superannuation product category number from extract. |
Superannuation previous withdrawal amount | Superannuation previous withdrawal amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation product purchase price | Superannuation product purchase price from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation payment factor | Superannuation payment factor from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation residual capital amount | Superannuation residual capital amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation deduction amount | Superannuation deduction amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation provider deductable income amount | Superannuation provider deductable income amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation amount frequency | Superannuation amount frequency from extract. |
Superannuation assessable income amount | Superannuation assessable income amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation asset amount | Superannuation asset amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation child paid amount | Superannuation child paid amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation child paid | Superannuation child paid from extract. |
Superannuation deductable amount | Superannuation deductable amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation gross amount | Superannuation gross amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation tax free component old method amount | Superannuation tax free component old method amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation term elapsed years | Superannuation term elapsed years from extract. |
Superannuation term end June indicator | Superannuation term end June indicator from extract. |
Superannuation term remaining years | Superannuation term remaining years from extract. |
Superannuation un-deducted purchase amount | Superannuation un-deducted purchase amount from extract divided by 100. |
Superannuation withdrawal date | Superannuation withdrawal date from extract. |
Superannuation identifier | Superannuation identifier from extract. |
Self-managed superannuation fund actuarial certificate date | Self-managed superannuation fund actuarial certificate date from extract. |
3 Merging SNID Information
The episodes obtained are then merged with the SNID extract through the Person ID and Superannuation Identifier variables. This introduces new variables to the final distribution:
- Superannuation asset test exempt indicator
- Superannuation product cancellation reason
- Start date of original commuted superannuation product
- Superannuation product name
- Superannuation provider ABN
- Superannuation provider name
- Superannuation purchase date
- Self-managed superannuation fund actuarial certificate indicator
- Self-managed superannuation fund indicator
- Superannuation start date
- Superannuation reference number
- Superannuation type
- Superannuation third party identifier
- Superannuation years of income
- Superannuation is 9AB compliance indicator