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Location of individual's home addresses in DOMINO for data linkage purposes.

Data source details

Format type
Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) or SAS7BDAT
Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
~.link_locations_ext.ext_dom_person_id Recipient: DOMINO person identifier, ID number

A synthetic numeric sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a unique DOMINO entity.

Specific Information:

person_id has been renamed to ext_dom_person_id

Number N[15]
~.link_locations_ext.addr_type Address: Address type, Code

The type of address given by a recipient.

String AAA
~.link_locations_ext.period_end_date Event: Period end date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a reporting period relating to an event ends, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.link_locations_ext.period_start_date Event: Period start date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a reporting period relating to an event commences, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.link_locations_ext.meshblock Address: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) 2021 Meshblock, Code

Mesh Blocks are the smallest geographic areas defined by the ABS and form the building blocks for the larger regions of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). They broadly identify land use such as residential, commercial, primary production and parks. Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s) are generally the smallest geographic unit used to release Census of Population and Housing data; however, for ASGS Edition 3, limited Census of Population and Housing data may also be available at the Mesh Block level.

As Mesh Blocks are very small they can be combined together to accurately approximate a large range of other geographies.

Number N(11)
~.link_locations_ext.lat_coord Address: Latitude coordinate, Number

The latitude coordinate of an address of usual residence.

Number [N]N.N[9]
~.link_locations_ext.long_coord Address: Longitude coordinate, Number

The longitude coordinate of an address.

Number [NN]N.N[9]
~.link_locations_ext.ctry_code Address: Country, Code

The country of usual residence of a person, as represented by a code.

String AA
~.link_locations_ext.state Address: State or territory, Code

The state or territory of an address, as represented by a code.

CharacterString XXX
~.link_locations_ext.postcode Address: Australian postcode, Code

The Australian numeric descriptor for a postal delivery area for an address.

String NNNN
~.link_locations_ext.cmty_code Address: Australian community, Code

Community code for an Australian address.

~.link_locations_ext.suburb Address: Suburb, Text

The suburb of usual residence of a person, as represented by a code.

String A{50}
~.link_locations_ext.addr_prty Address: Address priority, Code

Derived code highlighting address priority for identifying the location of a recipient on a given day.

Number N
~.link_locations_ext.meshmatch Address: Meshblock matched indicator, Code

Indicator identifying if a meshblock code was matched by address or longitude/latitude coordinates.

String A
~.link_locations_ext.addr_line1 Address: Line 1, Text

A composite of address components, that make up the first line of an address.

String X[X(49)]
~.link_locations_ext.addr_line2 Address: Line 2, Text

A composite of address components, that make up the second line of an address.

String X[X(49)]
~.link_locations_ext.addr_suppressed Recipient: Suppressed Address Code

Indicator used to determine if a recipients address details are suppressed.

String A


1 Extraction

Recipient location information is sourced from the data warehouse at Services Australia. This information is extracted from the CUST_CST_CUAD_RE table. Information is extracted from this table by application of the following filters:

  • removing records that do not have a location type code of:
    • TEM
    • TER
    • HOM
    • PHY
    • POS
    • NAD
    • FPO, or
    • BUS.
  • removing deleted and provisional records, and
  • removing records that do not have a logical delete date of 31 December 9999. 

2 Missing Mesh Block Processing

Some records in CUST_CST_CUAD_RE have a missing value for the mesh block code. Data elements from these records are searched across CUST_CST_CUAD_RE to see if there is an exact match with a known mesh block in any other records.

2.1 Longitude and Latitude Matching

A new comparison dataset is created which contains all known combinations of longitude, latitude and mesh block across all recipients. The following transformations are applied:

  • removing records that do not have a value for mesh block
  • removing records that do not have a value for longitude 
  • removing records that do not have a value for latitude
  • if multiple records exist for a given combination or longitude and latitude only the record with the most recent date of effect is kept.

Records from the extraction that have a missing mesh block but do have a longitude and latitude are compared with this dataset. If the longitude and latitude have an exact match, the missing mesh block is updated to reflect the combination in the comparison dataset. 

If a mesh block is matched through this method, a new variable Mesh Match is given the value 'L'.

2.2 Address Matching

A new comparison dataset is created which contains all known combinations of longitude, latitude and mesh block across all recipients. The following transformations are applied:

  • removing records that do not have a value for mesh block
  • removing records that do not have a value for address line one and do not have a value for address line two
  • removing records that do not have a value for suburb
  • removing records that do not have a value for postcode
  • if multiple records exist for a given combination of address line one, address line two, suburb and postcode, only the record with the most recent date of effect is kept.

Records from the extraction that have a missing mesh block but do have a value for address line one and/or address line two and also have a value for suburb and postcode are compared with this dataset. If the longitude and latitude have an exact match, the missing mesh block is updated to reflect the combination in the comparison dataset. 

If a mesh block is matched through this method, a new variable Mesh Match is given the value 'A'.

3 Episode Generation

Episodes are generated for a single location type code at a time.

For each set of location type code information, the extract is sorted chronologically for every recipient. The way episodes are generated can be generalised using the assignments in Table 1. The derived Address Priority variable is determined using the logic illustrated in Table 2.

Table 1: Generalisation of Episode Generation Variable Assignments

Variable Assignment
Person ID Person ID from extract.
Period Start Date Date of Effect from extract.
Period End Date

If the last row for the recipient:

  • 31.12.9999


  • the day before the date of effect of the subsequent row.
Address Type Code Address Type Code for Extract.
Address Priority Derived from rules illustrated in Table 2.
Mesh Block Mesh block from extract (following missing mesh block processing).
Mesh Match Mesh match from extract (following missing mesh block processing).
Latitude  Latitude from extract.
Longitude Longitude from extract.
Address Line One Address Line One from extract.
Address Line Two Address Line Two from extract.
State State from extract.
Postcode Postcode from extract.
Suburb Suburb from extract.
Community Address Code Community Address Code from extract.
Country Code Country Code from extract.
Remote Indicator Remote Indicator from extract.


Table 2: Address Type Codes and Associated Derived Priorities

Address Type Code Priority
other value 9


4 Final Distributions

The final episodes are written to final distributions based on the address type code. This is outlined in Table 3.

Table 3: Location Distributions and Associated Address Type Codes

Distribution Associated Address Type Codes
t_loc_dtls HOM
t_loc_pos_temp_term_dtls POS, TEM, TER