Services Australia
Services Australia
18 Representation Classes.
Name | Details | Last Updated |
Amount |
A monetary value with units of currency.
Average |
A numeric value representing an arithmetic mean.
Binary Object |
A reference or a pointer to a collection of binary data stored as a single entity, such as images, video, audio or other multimedia objects.
Calculation |
A numeric value representing a mathematical result.
Code |
A system of valid symbols that substitute for longer values.
Count |
A non-monetary numeric value arrived at by counting.
DateTime |
A value representing both date and/or time.
Duration |
A representation of a length of time using a time or date based value.
Geospatial |
A geographical representation of a point, feature or shape related to the surface of the earth.
Identifier |
A set of numbers, letters or symbols that is used to represent a piece of data.
Indicator Code |
A system of valid symbols usually representing two possible values (truth or false), (Yes or null).
Measure |
A record of the dimensions, capacity/amount (non-monetary) of an object.
Percentage |
A numeric value representing a proportion or share in relation to a whole
Rate |
A quantity or amount considered in relation to another quantity or amount.
Ratio |
A numeric value representing a relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other.
Scale |
A graduated range of values forming a standard system for measuring or grading something.
Text |
An unformatted descriptive field.
Total |
A numeric value representing the sum of a set of values or an entire quantity (non-monetary).