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Metadata item Values
Address: Australian postcode, Code 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Standard, Feb. 18, 2025]
The Australian numeric descriptor for a postal delivery area for an address.
  • Australian postcode
Address: State or territory, Code 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022] [DSS Data Exchange: Candidate, March 20, 2024] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Standard, Feb. 18, 2025]
The state or territory of an address, as represented by a code.
  • State or territory of usual residence
Household: Rent type, Code 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, June 23, 2022] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022]
The type of rent paid by a recipient, as represented by a code.
  • Rent type
Household: Shared accommodation type, Code 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, June 23, 2022] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022]
The type of shared accommodation in which a recipient resides, as represented by a code.
  • Type of shared accommodation
Person—citizenship country, total number N
Statuses: Unregistered
The total number of countries for which a person has citizenship.
  • Number of citizenships
Person—marital status, recipient code AAA
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, Nov. 14, 2023]
A person's current relationship status in terms of a couple relationship or, for those not in a couple relationship, the...
  • Marital status
Person—refugee indicator, yes/missing code A
Statuses: Unregistered
An indicator of whether a person has been identified as a refugee at some time, as represented by a code.
  • Refugee indicator
PIA_Household—rent payer, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The payer of rent in a household, as represented by a code.
  • Rent Payer
PIA_Household—weekly rent paid, total Australian currency N[9].NN
Statuses: Unregistered
The amount of rent paid per week by a household, expressed in Australian dollars and cents.
  • Weekly household rent amount
PIA_Person—citizenship country (abbreviated), code AA
Statuses: Unregistered
The country in which a person has acquired citizenship, as represented by a code.
  • Country of citizenship
PIA_Person—citizenship date of effect (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Statuses: Unregistered
The date on which a person was granted citizenship, expressed as MMYYYY.
  • Citizenship date of effect
PIA_Person—country of birth, code (SACC 2016) NNNN
Statuses: Unregistered
The country in which the person was born, as represented by a code.
  • Country of birth
PIA_Person—country of residence, code (SACC 2016) NNNN
Statuses: Unregistered
The country in which a person usually resides, as represented by a code.
  • Country of residence
PIA_Person—date of death (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Statuses: Unregistered
The date upon which a person ceases to live, expressed as MMYYYY.
  • Date of death
PIA_Person—Indigenous status (abbreviated), code A
Statuses: Unregistered
Whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, as represented by a code.
  • Indigenous status
PIA_Person—partner refugee indicator, yes/missing code A
Statuses: Unregistered
An indicator of whether a person's partner has been identified as a refugee at some time, as represented by a code.
  • Partner refugee indicator
PIA_Person—partner's country of birth, code (SACC 2016) NNNN
Statuses: Unregistered
The country in which a person's partner was born, as represented by a code.
  • Partner's country of birth
PIA_Person—partner's date of birth (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Statuses: Unregistered
The month and year of birth of the person's partner.
  • Partner's date of birth
PIA_Person—partner's Indigenous status, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
Whether a person's partner identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, as represented by a code.
  • Partner's Indigenous status
PIA_Person—partner's sex/gender, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The identification of a person's partner as either male, female or not exclusively male or female, as represented by a code.
  • Partner's sex/gender
PIA_Person—preferred spoken language, code (ASCL 2016) N[NNN]
Statuses: Unregistered
The language (including sign language) most preferred by the person for communication, as represented by a code.
  • Preferred spoken language
PIA_Person—preferred written language, code (ASCL 2016) N[NNN]
Statuses: Unregistered
A person's preferred language for written communication, as represented by a code.
  • Preferred written language
PIA_Person—sex/gender, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The identification of a person as either male, female or not exclusively male or female, as represented by a code.
  • Sex/gender
PIA_Recipient—assessment report date (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Statuses: Unregistered
The date of a report assessing a recipient's capacity for work or medical conditions and their functional impact, expressed as MMYYYY.
  • Assessment report date of effect
PIA_Recipient—blindness start date (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Statuses: Unregistered
The date upon which a recipient's blindness was diagnosed by an ophthalmologist, expressed as MMYYYY.
  • Blindness start date
PIA_Recipient—government subtenant status, code AAA
Statuses: Unregistered
Whether the recipient is a subtenant in accommodation where the primary tenant pays a subsidised rental for public housing, as represented by...
  • Government subtenant
PIA_Recipient—home ownership status, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The home ownership status of a recipient, as represented by a code.
  • Home ownership status
PIA_Recipient—identifier, scrambled customer reference number N(9)
Statuses: Unregistered
A random sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a Centrelink recipient in the PIA research data set.
  • Scrambled Customer reference number
PIA_Recipient—impairment rating for third medical condition, code N[N]
Statuses: Unregistered
The impairment rating for a recipient's third medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Impairment rating for third medical condition
PIA_Recipient—level of educational attainment, code XXX
Statuses: Unregistered
The level of educational attainment of a recipient, as represented by a code.
  • Level of educational attainment
PIA_Recipient—medical condition, total impairment rating NN[N]
Statuses: Unregistered
The total impairment rating for a recipient's medical conditions.
  • Total impairment rating of medical conditions
PIA_Recipient—permanency of fifth medical condition, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The permanency of a recipient's fifth medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Permanency of fifth medical condition
PIA_Recipient—permanency of first medical condition, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The permanency of a recipient's first medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Permanency of first medical condition
PIA_Recipient—permanency of fourth medical condition, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The permanency of a recipient's fourth medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Permanency of fourth medical condition
PIA_Recipient—permanency of second medical condition, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The permanency of a recipient's second medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Permanency of second medical condition
PIA_Recipient—permanency of third medical condition, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The permanency of a recipient's third medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Permanency of third medical condition
PIA_Recipient—reporting period end date, DDAAAYYYY
Statuses: Unregistered
The date on which a reporting period relating to a recipient ceases, expressed as DDAAAYYYY.
  • Reporting period end date
PIA_Recipient—reporting period start date, DDAAAYYYY
Statuses: Unregistered
The date on which a reporting period relating to a recipient commences, expressed as DDAAAYYYY.
  • Reporting period start date
PIA_Recipient—youngest family tax benefit child date of birth (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Statuses: Unregistered
The date of birth of the youngest child for which a recipient receives a Family Tax Benefit (Part A or B) payment, expressed...
  • Youngest Family Tax Benefit child date of birth
PIA_Recipient—youngest regular care child date of birth (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Statuses: Unregistered
The date of birth of the youngest child for which a recipient has regular care, expressed as MMYYYY.
  • Youngest Regular Care Child date of birth
Recipient: Benefit status, code 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, Nov. 14, 2023]
The status of a recipient's government benefit, as represented by a code.
  • Benefit status
Recipient—blindness indicator, code A
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, Nov. 14, 2023]
An indicator of whether a recipient is blind, as represented by a code for DSP and Age Pension.
  • Blindness indicator
Recipient—carer allowance entitlement indicator, yes/missing code A
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, Nov. 14, 2023]
An indicator of whether a recipient is entitled to Carer allowance, as represented by a code.
  • Carer allowance entitlement indicator
Recipient—continuous earning source, total number N[N]
Statuses: Unregistered
The total number of sources of income a recipient receives on a regular basis.
  • Number of continuous earning sources
Recipient—continuous earnings, total Australian currency N[9].NN
Statuses: Unregistered
The total earnings a recipient receives from regular income sources, expressed in Australian dollars and cents.
  • Total quarterly continuous earnings
Recipient—Double Orphan Pension eligibility indicator, yes/missing code A
Statuses: Unregistered
An indicator of whether a recipient is eligible for the Double Orphan Pension, as represented by a code.
  • Double Orphan Pension eligibility indicator
Recipient - Family Tax Benefit Child, Total Number
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, Nov. 14, 2023]
The total number of children for which a recipient receives a Family Tax Benefit (Part A or B) payment.
  • Number of Family Tax Benefit children
Recipient—impairment rating for fifth medical condition, code N[N]
Statuses: Unregistered
The impairment rating for a recipient's fifth medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Impairment rating for fifth medical condition
Recipient—impairment rating for first medical condition, code N[N]
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, June 23, 2022] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022]
The impairment rating for a recipient's first medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Impairment rating for first medical condition
Recipient—impairment rating for fourth medical condition, code N[N]
Statuses: Unregistered
The impairment rating for a recipient's fourth medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Impairment rating for fourth medical condition
Recipient: Impairment rating for second medical condition, Code 0.1
Statuses: Unregistered
The impairment rating for a recipient's second medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Impairment rating for second medical condition
Recipient—multiple birth indicator, yes/missing code A
Statuses: Unregistered
An indicator that a recipient had a multiple birth, as represented by a code.
  • Multiple birth indicator
Recipient—one-time earning source, total number N[N]
Statuses: Unregistered
The total number of sources of income a recipient receives on a one-off basis.
  • Number of one-time earning sources
Recipient—one-time earnings, total Australian currency N[9].NN
Statuses: Unregistered
A recipient's total income from earnings received on a one-off basis, expressed in Australian dollars and cents.
  • Total of one-time earnings
Recipient—partner identifier, scrambled customer reference number N(9)
Statuses: Unregistered
A random sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying the partner of a Centrelink recipient in the PIA research...
  • Scrambled partner's identifier CRN
Recipient—partner's Centrelink benefit type, code AAA
Statuses: Unregistered
The type of Centrelink benefit a recipient's partner receives, as represented by a code.
  • Partner's Centrelink benefit type
Recipient: Primary medical condition, Code 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, June 23, 2022] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022]
A recipient's primary medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Primary medical condition
Recipient: Primary medical condition permanency, Code 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, June 23, 2022] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022]
The permanency of a recipient's primary medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Permanency of primary medical condition
Recipient—regular care child, total number N[N]
Statuses: Unregistered
The total number of children for which a recipient has regular care.
  • Number of Regular Care Children
Recipient—rent frequency, code XXX
Statuses: Unregistered
The frequency with which rent is paid by a recipient for occupancy of a principal residence, as represented by a code.
  • Rent frequency code
Recipient—type of work capacity assessment, employment services/job capacity assessment code AAA
Statuses: Unregistered
The type of work capacity assessment undertaken by a recipient, as represented by a code.
  • Job Capacity/Employment Services Assessment
Recipient: Weekly rent paid, Total Australian currency 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, June 23, 2022] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022]
The amount of rent paid per week by a recipient, expressed in Australian dollars and cents.
  • Weekly rent amount
Recipient—work capacity assessment before intervention, total hours XX[XXX]
Statuses: Unregistered
The total number of hours per week that has been assessed as a recipient’s work capacity before intervention.
  • Work capacity assessment before intervention
Recipient—work capacity assessment with intervention, total hours XX[XXX]
Statuses: Unregistered
The total number of hours per week that has been assessed as a recipient’s work capacity with intervention.
  • Work capacity assessment with intervention