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Metadata item Values
PIA_Disability Cluster
Statuses: Unregistered
The Disability cluster defines information relating to Centrelink recipients in relation to medical conditions, permanency of medical conditions and impairment...
  • <p>While impairment ratings and permanency codes are collected for up to 5 medical conditions, only the primary medical condition is provided in the PIA research DSS due to privacy concerns.</p>
PIA_Household—weekly rent paid, total Australian currency N[9].NN
Statuses: Unregistered
The amount of rent paid per week by a household, expressed in Australian dollars and cents.
  • <p>Calculated using total household rent amount and the frequency of household rent payment.</p>
PIA_Person—Indigenous status (abbreviated), code A
Statuses: Unregistered
Whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, as represented by a code.
  • <p>This information is collected on a voluntary basis and is of unknown quality. Individuals may change their identification over time.</p>
PIA_Person—partner's Indigenous status, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
Whether a person's partner identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, as represented by a code.
  • <p>This information is collected on a voluntary basis and is of unknown quality. Individuals may change their identification over time.</p>
PIA_Person—preferred spoken language, code (ASCL 2016) N[NNN]
Statuses: Unregistered
The language (including sign language) most preferred by the person for communication, as represented by a code.
  • <p>This may be a language other than English even where the person can speak fluent English.</p>
PIA_Recipient—assessment report date (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Statuses: Unregistered
The date of a report assessing a recipient's capacity for work or medical conditions and their functional impact, expressed as MMYYYY.
  • <p>This data element should be used in conjunction with the data element: <a href="/content/index.phtml/itemId/647643">Recipient&mdash;work capacity assessment, employment services/job capacity assessment code AAA.</a></p>
PIA_Recipient—home ownership status, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The home ownership status of a recipient, as represented by a code.
  • <p>CODE H&nbsp;&nbsp; Homeowner</p> <p>A homeowner includes&nbsp;a person&nbsp;who owns their&nbsp;home outright or is paying a mortgage on the home.</p>
PIA_Recipient—level of educational attainment, code XXX
Statuses: Unregistered
The level of educational attainment of a recipient, as represented by a code.
  • <p>The most recent level of educational attainment is recorded.</p>
PIA_Recipient—permanency of fifth medical condition, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The permanency of a recipient's fifth medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • <p>Recipients&nbsp;can have up to 5 medical conditions. This information is mainly collected for Disability Support Pension&nbsp;recipients.</p>
PIA_Recipient—permanency of first medical condition, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The permanency of a recipient's first medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • <p>Recipients&nbsp;can have up to 5 medical conditions. This information is mainly collected for Disability Support Pension&nbsp;recipients.</p>
PIA_Recipient—permanency of fourth medical condition, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The permanency of a recipient's fourth medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • <p>Recipients&nbsp;can have up to 5 medical conditions. This information is mainly collected for Disability Support Pension&nbsp;recipients.</p>
PIA_Recipient—permanency of second medical condition, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The permanency of a recipient's second medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • <p>Recipients&nbsp;can have up to 5 medical conditions. This information is mainly collected for Disability Support Pension&nbsp;recipients.</p>
PIA_Recipient—permanency of third medical condition, code A
Statuses: Unregistered
The permanency of a recipient's third medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • <p>Recipients&nbsp;can have up to 5 medical conditions. This information is mainly collected for Disability Support Pension&nbsp;recipients.</p>
PIA_Recipient—reporting period end date, DDAAAYYYY
Statuses: Unregistered
The date on which a reporting period relating to a recipient ceases, expressed as DDAAAYYYY.
  • <p>The reporting period end date must not be before the reporting period start date.</p>
PIA_Scrambled customer reference number identifier N(9)
Statuses: Unregistered
A random sequence of characters used for the purpose of identifying a Centrelink recipient in the PIA research data set. 
  • <p>The identifier&nbsp;has been scrambled.</p>
Recipient—continuous earnings, total Australian currency N[9].NN
Statuses: Unregistered
The total earnings a recipient receives from regular income sources, expressed in Australian dollars and cents.
  • <p>An example of a&nbsp;regular income source is weekly earnings from a part-time job.</p>
Recipient—type of work capacity assessment, employment services/job capacity assessment code AAA
Statuses: Unregistered
The type of work capacity assessment undertaken by a recipient, as represented by a code.
  • <p>This data element should be used in conjunction with the data element:&nbsp;<a href="/content/index.phtml/itemId/653990">Recipient&mdash;assessment report, date MMYYYY</a>.</p>
Recipient: Weekly rent paid, Total Australian currency 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, June 23, 2022] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022]
The amount of rent paid per week by a recipient, expressed in Australian dollars and cents.
  • Calculated using total recipient rent amount and the frequency of rent payment.
Recipient—work capacity assessment before intervention, total hours XX[XXX]
Statuses: Unregistered
The total number of hours per week that has been assessed as a recipient’s work capacity before intervention.
  • <p>This data element should be used in conjunction with the data element: <a href="/content/index.phtml/itemId/647003">Recipient&mdash;work capacity assessment with intervention, total hours XX[XXX]</a>.</p>
Recipient—work capacity assessment with intervention, total hours XX[XXX]
Statuses: Unregistered
The total number of hours per week that has been assessed as a recipient’s work capacity with intervention.
  • <p>This data element should be used in conjunction with the data element:&nbsp;<a href="/content/index.phtml/itemId/646998">Recipient&mdash;work capacity assessment before intervention, total hours XX[XXX]</a>.</p>
Rent type code 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, June 23, 2022] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022]
A code set representing types of rent.
  • <div><p>BOA&#160; Board and lodging</p> <p>Board means that some regular meals are&#160;provided. Lodging means no meals are provided.<p></p></p></div>
Total Australian currency 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, June 23, 2022] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022]
Total number of Australian dollars and cents.
  • This value must be expressed to two decimal places. Where there is a dollar value and no cent value, the cents must be expressed as .00 (e.g. 100.00).