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Below is a list of all visible metadata objects with values for the Slot Conditional obligation.

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Metadata item Values
Household: Rent type, Code 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, June 23, 2022] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022]
The type of rent paid by a recipient, as represented by a code.
  • Conditional on the client renting.
Recipient: Level of educational attainment, Code 0.1
Statuses: [Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded, June 23, 2022] [Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard, Aug. 5, 2022]
The level of educational attainment of a recipient, as represented by a code.
  • Conditional on the client receiving Youth Allowance (student or apprentice), AUSTUDY or ABSTUDY and who are not in receipt of other income support.