Asset amount 0.1
This table shows items related to the item Asset amount.
Items shown are based on your current permissions.
Showing 21 - 29 of 29 results.
Items shown are based on your current permissions.
Name | Details | Statuses | ||
Asset: Superannuation deductable asset amount, Total Australian currency
Data Element
Deductible asset amount. |
Asset: Superannuation gross amount, Total Australian currency
Data Element
The gross amount of superannuation received per period. |
Asset: Superannuation latest withdrawal amount, Total Australian currency
Data Element
The latest commutation amount for income stream products. |
Asset: Superannuation market link gross amount, Total Australian currency
Data Element
The amount of market-linked superannuation gross amount. The gross amount of superannuation received per period is recorded in Australian dollars... |
Asset: Superannuation original purchase amount, Total Australian currency
Data Element
Superannuation product original purchase price. |
Asset: Superannuation residual capital amount, Total Australian currency
Data Element
Residual capital value. |
Asset: Superannuation tax free component old method amount, Total Australian currency
Data Element
This element stores the tax-free component amount of a defined benefit calculated using the old method. |
Asset: Trust and company non-primary product asset amount, Total Australian currency
Data Element
This element is used to record non-primary production assets attributed from the other trust/company. |
Asset: Trust and company primary product asset amount, Total Australian currency
Data Element
This element can be used to record primary production assets attributed from the other trust/company. |