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This table shows items related to the item Recipient.
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Showing 1 - 20 of 125 results.
Name Details Statuses
Asset: House content total amount, Total Australian currency 0.1
Data Element
Contains the total net value of the contents (of an item of real estate) owned by the client. The ownership...
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on
Asset: Superannuation start date, YYYY-MM-DD 0.1
Data Element
The date which is used to determine when income is to be assessed. The date the product commences is recorded...
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on
Asset: Superannuation term elapsed years, Number 0.1
Data Element
Term elapsed in years.
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on
Payment: Concession Card Count 0.1
Data Element
indicates the total count of concession cards held by the card holder
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Standard on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on
PIA_Recipient—assessment report date (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Data Element
The date of a report assessing a recipient's capacity for work or medical conditions and their functional impact, expressed as MMYYYY.
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—government subtenant status, code AAA
Data Element
Whether the recipient is a subtenant in accommodation where the primary tenant pays a subsidised rental for public housing, as represented by...
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—home ownership status, code A
Data Element
The home ownership status of a recipient, as represented by a code.
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—identifier, scrambled customer reference number N(9)
Data Element
A random sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a Centrelink recipient in the PIA research data set.
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—impairment rating for third medical condition, code N[N]
Data Element
The impairment rating for a recipient's third medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—level of educational attainment, code XXX
Data Element
The level of educational attainment of a recipient, as represented by a code.
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—medical condition, total impairment rating NN[N]
Data Element
The total impairment rating for a recipient's medical conditions.
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—permanency of fifth medical condition, code A
Data Element
The permanency of a recipient's fifth medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—permanency of first medical condition, code A
Data Element
The permanency of a recipient's first medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—permanency of fourth medical condition, code A
Data Element
The permanency of a recipient's fourth medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—permanency of second medical condition, code A
Data Element
The permanency of a recipient's second medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—permanency of third medical condition, code A
Data Element
The permanency of a recipient's third medical condition, as represented by a code.
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—youngest family tax benefit child date of birth (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Data Element
The date of birth of the youngest child for which a recipient receives a Family Tax Benefit (Part A or B) payment, expressed...
  • Unregistered
PIA_Recipient—youngest regular care child date of birth (abbreviated), MMYYYY
Data Element
The date of birth of the youngest child for which a recipient has regular care, expressed as MMYYYY.
  • Unregistered
Recipient: Activity Management Reference (AMR) number, Code 0.1
Data Element
Unique number/code allocated by Integrated Activity Management (IAM) within the context of a client record.
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on
Recipient: Activity participant, Code 0.1
Data Element
Indicator of activity participant requirements for a medical assessment.
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on