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A recipient's secondary medical condition, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Detailed medical condition code 0.1 ".
Data Type String
Format AAA
Maximum character length 3
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values AAE Amputation - Above Elbow
AAK Amputation - Above Knee
ABC Acquired Brain Injury - Conversion
ABE Amputation - Below Elbow
ABK Amputation - Below Knee
ACS Arnold-Chiari Syndrome
ADD Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
ALC Alcohol Dependence
ALK Cancer - Leukaemia (Acute)
ALZ Alzheimer's Disease
AMC Amputation - Conversion
AMD Autosomal Recessive Muscular Dystrophy
ANG Angelman Syndrome
ANX Anxiety
ASP Asperger's Disorder
AST Asthma
ATD Atopic Dermatitis
ATT Ataxia Telangiectasia
AUT Autistic Disorder
AXN Anorexia Nervosa
BCT Bursitis, Capsulitis And Tendonitis
BIE Bullous Icthyosis - Generalised
BLA Urinary Tract Disorders Incl Bladder
BLB Blind - Both Eyes
BLO Blind - One Eye
BON Cancer/Tumour - Bone
BOW Cancer/Tumour - Bowel
BPA Bi Polar Affective (Manic Depression)
BRN Cancer/Tumour - Brain
BRO Bronchitis
BRT Cancer/Tumour - Breast
BUL Bulimia
BUR Burns And Their Effects
BVR Behaviour Disorder
CAD Coronary Artery Disease
CAT Cataracts
CDC Cri Du Chat Syndrome
CDD Child Disintegrative Disorder
CDL Cornelia De Lange Syndrome
CER Cerebral Palsy
CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
CHA Charge Association
CHC Childhood Cancers
CHD Congenital Heart Disease
CHL Hearing Loss - Complete
CHR Chronic Pain
CIS Congenital Ichthyosiform Erythroderma
CLD Congenital Limb Deformity
CLK Cancer - Leukaemia (Chronic)
CLS Speech Disorder - Complete Loss
COA Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease
COE Coeliac Disease
COF Coffin-Lowry Syndrome
CPH Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease
CRD Crohns Disease
CRS Congenital Rubella Syndrome
CSP Curvature Of The Spine
CTS Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
CYS Cystic Fibrosis
DBC Diabetes - Conversion
DFB Deaf-Blindness
DPN Depression
DPP Diplegia Paraplegia (Paralysis)
DRG Drug Dependence
DUC Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy
DVD Diverticular Disease
DWN Down Syndrome
EAS Epilepsy - Absence Seizure - Petit Mal
EBD Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica
ECP Encopresis
ECS Epilepsy - Complex Seizure
ECZ Eczema
EDW Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18)
EGM Epilepsy - Grand Mal (Tonic-Clonic)
EMD Emotion Disturb; Child/Adolescent
EMP Emphysema
EMT Endometriosis
EMY Epilepsy - Myoclonic Seizure
ENU Enuresis
EPC Epilepsy - Conversion
ESS Epilepsy - Simple Seizure
FAD Friedreich's Ataxia
FBM Fibromyalgia
FLU Influenza
FRC Fractures And Crush Injuries
FXA Fragile X Syndrome (Adult)
FXS Fragile X Syndrome (Child)
GAL Gallbladder Disorders
GAS Gastroenterological Condition
GBS Guillain Barre Syndrome
GLA Glaucoma
GLR Glandular Fever
GOU Gout
HAE Haemophilia
HAR Harlequin Icthyosis
HDK Cancer - Hodgkin's/Non Hodgkin
HED Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia
HEL Hearing Loss - Child Only
HET Hyperthyroidism
HOT Hypothyroidism
HPA Hepatitis A
HPB Hepatitis B
HPC Hepatitis C
HPD Hepatitis D - H
HPP Hemiplegia (Paralysis)
HPT Hypertension
HRN Hernia
HUN Huntington's Chorea
HV3 HIV Category 3
HV4 HIV/Aids Category 4
HWS Hay Wells Syndrome
IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IDC Infectious Disease - Conversion
IDD Diabetes - Insulin Dependent
IHD Ischaemic Heart Disease
IMM Immunodeficiency
INC Intellectual Disability - Conversion
INN Infections Of The Nervous System
INT Intellectual Disability
IVD Intervertebral Disc Disorder
KFS Klinefelter's Syndrome
KID Kidney Disorders
KMU Kabuki Make-Up Syndrome
KRB Krabbe Disease
LAM Lamellar Icthyosis
LAR Larsen's Syndrome
LCH Langerhan Cell Histiocytosis
LCT Lactose Intolerance
LEU Leukodystrophies - Unclassified
LIQ IQ is Less Than 55
LLD Lower Limb Deficiencies
LNG Cancer/Tumour - Lung
LNS Lesch Nyhan Syndrome
LPS Lupus
LRD Learning Disability
LRX Cancer/Tumour - Larynx
LTT Tracheostomy - Long Term
LVB Low Vision - Both Eyes
LVD Liver Disorder ie Cirrhosis But Not Hep
LVO Low Vision - One Eye
LVR Cancer/Tumour - Liver
MCA Congenital Abnormalities - Multiple
MCS Multiple Chemical Syndrome
MEN Menkes Disease
MET Metabolic Inborn Errors - Child Only
MIC Microcephaly
MIG Migraine
MLK Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
MND Motor Neurone Disease
MNR Meniere's Disease
MOB Morbid Obesity
MP1 MPS 1 (Hurler Syndrome)
MP2 MPS 2 (Hunter Syndrome)
MP3 MPS 3 (San Filippo Syndrome)
MP4 MPS IVA (Morquio Syndrome)
MP6 MPS VI (Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome)
MPP Monoplegia (Paralysis)
MRC Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Disorder
MSC Multiple Sclerosis
MYI Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
NCK Neck Disorder
NES Netherton's Syndrome
NEU Severe Congenital Neutropenia
NID Diabetes - Non Insulin Dependent
OAR Arthritis - Other
OCA Congenital Abnormality - Other
OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCH Chromosomal/Syndromic Condition - Other
OCS Circulatory System - Other eg Vasculitis
OCT Cancer/Tumour - Other
ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder
OES Endocrine System Dysfunction - Other
OGD Gynaecological Disorder - Other
OGS Optiz G Syndrome
OLS Lysosomal Storage Disorder - Other
OMS Musculo-Skeletal Disorder - Other
OMY Myopathy -Other
ONC Neurometabolic Condition - Other
OND Neurodegenerative Disorder - Other
ONR Nerve Root Compression - Other
ONS Nervous System - Other
OPD Oesophageal Disorder
OPP Psychol/Psychiatric Disorder - Other
ORP Reproductive Problem - Other
ORS Respiratory Disorder - Other
OSD Skin Disorder - Other
OSI Osteogenesis Imperfecta
OSM Osteomyelitis
OSO Osteoporosis
OSP Cancer/Tumour - Oesophagus
OST Osteoarthritis
OVN Cancer/Tumour - Ovarian
PAN Pancreatic Disorder
PAR Parkinson's Disease
PAT Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13)
PCS Cancer/Tumour - Pancreas
PHB Phobias
PHL Hearing Loss - Partial
PJA Polyarticular Course Juvenile Arthritis
PKS Pallister-Killian Syndrome
PKU Phenylketonuria
PMP Pompe Disease
PND Paranoia
POL Poliomyelitis
PRC Porencephaly
PRG Complications Of Pregnancy
PRM Permanent
PRP Paraplegia (Paralysis)
PSD Psychosocial Deprivation
PSO Psoriasis
PST Cancer/Tumour - Prostate
PSY Psychotic
PTS Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease
PWS Prader-Willi Syndrome
PYD Personality Disorder
QPP Quadriplegia (Paralysis)
RCD Rectal Disorder
RCI Rotator Cuff Injury
RET Rett's Syndrome
RHM Rheumatoid Arthritis
RNL Cancer/Tumour - Renal
RNT Renal Tract Disorders
RPS Regional Pain Syndrome
SCH Schizophrenia
SEC Sense Organs - Conversion
SEN Senile Dementia
SES Seckel Syndrome
SKN Cancer/Tumour - Skin
SLS Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome
SMA Spinal Muscular Atrophy
SMG Smith-Magenis Syndrome
SMM Mod/Severe Multiple Disability -Mobility
SMS Severe Multiple Disability - Under 6mth
SNR Sciatica - Nerve Root Compression
SPB Spina Bifida
SPD Spondylosis
SPE Speech Disorder - Other
SPN Spinal Disorder - Other
SPR Sprains And Strains
SRC Cancer/Tumour - Sarcoma
STM Cancer/Tumour - Stomach
STO Stomach Disorder (e.g. Ulcer)
STU Speech Disorder - Stuttering
SUA Shoulder And Upper Arm Disorder
SYT Synovitis, Tenosynovitis and Oos
TAY Tay Sach's Disease
TBI Brain Injury - Traumatic
TBS Tuberculosis
TDA Chronic Transfusion Dependent Anaemia
THY Cancer/Tumour - Thyroid
TIN Tinnitus
TLS Thalassaemia or Haemoglobinopathy
TMP Temporary
TOU Tourettes Syndrome
TRA Transplant - Organ Failure
TST Cancer/Tumour - Testicular
TXB Brain Injury - Toxic (Eg Alcohol)
UEA Eye Anomaly - Unspecified
UIC Urinary Incontinence
ULC Ulcerative Colitis
UNK Unknown - Conversion
URO Urogenital System - Conversion
UVL Visual Loss - Unspecified
VAB Ventilator Assisted Breathing
VIS Visceral Disorder - Conversion
VTO Vertigo
WLM Williams Syndrome
ZPD Zellweger Syndrome/Peroxisomal Disorders
[blank] Missing

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Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 1
Inclusion in Data Distributions 9
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As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0