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The type of income or allowance received by a client from the Department of Veterans Affairs.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) income type code 0.1 ".
Data Type String
Format XXX
Maximum character length 3
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values AGC Social Security Pension Paid by DVA
AMS Adequate Means of Support
BLI Blinded Special Rate
COM Combination War Pensions - no longer valid
D10 10% Dependant Allowance
D15 15% Dependant Allowance
D20 20% Dependant Allowance
D25 25% Dependant Allowance
D30 30% Dependant Allowance
D35 35% Dependant Allowance
D40 40% Dependant Allowance
D45 45% Dependant Allowance
D50 50% Dependant Allowance
D55 55% Dependant Allowance
D60 60% Dependant Allowance
D65 65% Dependant Allowance
D70 70% Dependant Allowance
D75 75% Dependant Allowance
D80 80% Dependant Allowance
D85 85% Dependant Allowance
D90 90% Dependant Allowance
D95 95% Dependant Allowance
DEP 100% Dependant Allowance
DIR Dependant Allowance Intermediate Rate
DPU Dependant Allowance - % unknown - no longer valid
DTP Dependant Allowance TPI
DVA Grant of DVA Service Pension
EDA Disability Extreme Disablement Adjustment
I07 Specific Disability Item 7
I08 Specific Disability Item 8
I09 Specific Disability Item 9
I10 Specific Disability Item 10
I11 Specific Disability Item 11
I12 Specific Disability Item 12
I13 Specific Disability Item 13
I14 Specific Disability Item 14
I15 Specific Disability Item 15
ISS Income Support Supplement
ITM Specific Disability Item 1 - 6
IWP Disability Pension - Intermediate Rate
LMT Limiting Amount Under VEA
MPN Military Permanent New MCS (variable Rate)
MPT Military Permanent New MCS (TPI rate)
MPW Military Permanent New MCS (Widow rate)
OTH Other - no longer valid
PAH Pharmaceutical High Rate (Post 03/12/05)
SDA Special Disability Allowance
SPO Service Pension 1974 frozen rate - no longer valid
TIA Temporary Incapacity Allowance
TPI Disability Pension - Special Rate (T&PI)
TTI Totally and Temporarily Incapacitated
VCS Veteran's Childrens Entitlement
VSH Veterans Supplement High
VSP Veterans Supplement - Pharmaceutical Allowance
VST Veterans Supplement - Telephone Allowance
W10 10% Disability Pension General Rate
W15 15% Disability Pension General Rate
W20 20% Disability Pension General Rate
W25 25% Disability Pension General Rate
W30 30% Disability Pension General Rate
W35 35% Disability Pension General Rate
W40 40% Disability Pension General Rate
W45 45% Disability Pension General Rate
W50 50% Disability Pension General Rate
W55 55% Disability Pension General Rate
W60 60% Disability Pension General Rate
W65 65% Disability Pension General Rate
W70 70% Disability Pension General Rate
W75 75% Disability Pension General Rate
W80 80% Disability Pension General Rate
W85 85% Disability Pension General Rate
W90 90% Disability Pension General Rate
W95 95% Disability Pension General Rate
WAR 100% Disability Pension General Rate
WID Grant of DVA War Widow(er)s Pension
WPU Disability Pension Gen Rate unk - no longer valid
WWP Pre 1986 Frozen Rate War Widow

Custom Fields

Information Class
  • Income and earnings

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Relation Count
Input in Derivations 0
Output in Derivations 0
Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 1
Inclusion in Data Distributions 3
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0