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The age of a person as of the extract date.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Age as of extract date number 0.1 ".
Data Type Number
Format N{NN}
Maximum character length 2


Refers to the variable AGE in the DOMINO longitudinal data set. 

Age is system calculated from quarterly end date (e.g. 31/3/2011, 30/6/2011, etc.) and the client's date of birth. That is QTR_END_DATE minus DOB, and then divided by 365.25 (the average length of a year considering a leap year occurs every four years).

Custom Fields

Information Class
  • Demographics

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Relation Count
Input in Derivations 0
Output in Derivations 0
Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 1
Inclusion in Data Distributions 14
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0