This table shows items related to the item Yes/no/missing code.
Items shown are based on your current permissions.
Showing 1 - 20 of 24 results.
Items shown are based on your current permissions.
Name | Details | Statuses | ||
Asset: Business property is principal home, Code
Data Element
This field indicates that this property is the principal home. |
Asset: Other primary product assets, Code
Data Element
Indicates whether client has other primary production assets. |
Asset: Real estate asset is client’s former principal home indicator, Code
Data Element
This field is used to indicate the item of real estate was the customer's former principal home and therefore will... |
Asset: Real estate property is principal home, Code
Data Element
This field indicates that this property is the principal home. |
Asset: Self-managed superannuation fund actuarial certificate indicator, Code
Data Element
Superannuation Item SMSF/SAF Actuarial Certificate Indicator. This field indicates whether a Self Managed Super/Small APRA Fund Actuarial Certificate has been... |
Asset: Self-managed superannuation fund indicator, Code
Data Element
Indicator for Self-Managed Super/Small APRA Fund. |
Asset: Superannuation asset test exempt indicator, Code
Data Element
Indicates if product is asset test exempt. |
Asset: Superannuation is 9AB compliance indicator, Code
Data Element
Indicates if the superannuation product is 9A/B compliant. |
Asset: Superannuation term end June indicator, Code
Data Element
This field indicates whether a superannuation product has expired on its actual end date or virtual end date. If code... |
Payment: Any Concession Card
Data Element
Indicates that the person holds any concession cards at this time |
Payment: Any Health Care Card
Data Element
Indicates that the card holder with any of these health care cards listed below Automatic issue Health Care Card Ex-Carer Allowance Health... |
Payment: Automatic issue Health Care card
Data Element
Health Care Cards are another form of concession card. They are automatically issued to recipients of certain payments. |
Payment: Card Health Care Ex-Carer Allowance
Data Element
Certain students with a disability or severe medical condition can claim a Health Care card. The card can be claimed by... |
Payment: Card Health Care Foster
Data Element
Indicates that the carers of foster children can claim a health care card. The card is claimed by the foster... |
Payment: Card Health Care Low Income
Data Element
People with income below certain levels can claim a Health Care Card. Average weekly gross income for the 8 weeks prior... |
Payment: Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
Data Element
The Commonwealth Seniors Health Card is targeted at self-funded retirees of Age Pension age who do not receive Age Pension... |
Payment: Concession card pending flag, Code
Data Element
Indicates whether a concession card is pending. |
Payment: Family Tax Benefit Part A on Snap
Data Element
Flag indicating FTBA benefit received on snap date |
Payment: Family Tax Benefit Part B on Snap
Data Element
Flag indicating FTBB benefit received on snap date |
Payment: Income Support Payment: ISP on Snap
Data Element
Flag indicating Income Support Payment benefit received on snap date |