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This table shows items related to the item Address.
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Showing 4 results.
Name Details Statuses
Address: Address priority, Code 0.1
Data Element
Derived code highlighting address priority for identifying the location of a recipient on a given day.
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on
Address: Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA 2011), Name 0.1
Data Element
Describes the Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA) for accommodation address of a person or Income Unit.
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Standard on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on
Address: Statistical Area, Level 1 (SA1) Code (ASGS 2016) N(11) 0.1
Data Element
The code that represents a designated region representing the smallest unit for the release of Census data used for describing...
  • DSS Data Exchange: Candidate on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on
Address: Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2), Code (ASGS 2016) N(9) 0.1
Data Element
A designated region representing a medium-sized general purpose area built up from Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s) intended to represent...
  • DSS Data Exchange: Candidate on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on