Asset 0.1
This table shows items related to the item Asset.
Items shown are based on your current permissions.
Showing 81 - 94 of 94 results.
Items shown are based on your current permissions.
Name | Details | Statuses | ||
Asset: Superannuation provider deductable income amount
Data Element Concept
The amount of previous commutation. |
Asset: Superannuation purchase date
Data Element Concept
Superannuation date of purchase. |
Asset: Superannuation residual capital amount
Data Element Concept
Residual capital value. |
Asset: Superannuation tax free component old method amount
Data Element Concept
This element stores the tax-free component amount of a defined benefit calculated using the old method. |
Asset: Superannuation term end June indicator
Data Element Concept
This field indicates whether a superannuation product has expired on its actual end date or virtual end date. If code... |
Asset: Superannuation term remaining years
Data Element Concept
This element is for income stream remaining years. |
Asset: Superannuation type code
Data Element Concept
This element is used to decode the superannuation type code held on the database. |
Asset: Superannuation un-deducted purchase amount
Data Element Concept
Un-deducted purchase price. |
Asset: Superannuation withdrawal date
Data Element Concept
Withdrawal date. |
Asset: Superannuation years of income
Data Element Concept
The number of years a superannuation product will provide income for. |
Asset: Total amount of business liabilities
Data Element Concept
The value of the total business liabilities from the balance sheet or other documentation provided by the client to support... |
Asset: Trust and company non-primary product asset amount
Data Element Concept
This element is used to record Non Primary production assets attributed from the other trust/company. |
Asset: Trust and company primary product asset amount
Data Element Concept
Primary Production assets attributed from the other trust/company. |
Recipient: Other asset rural exemption code
Data Element Concept
Used to ensure that assets and deemed income from assets that should be exempt for rural processing can be recorded... |