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An outcome domain rating recorded for a given client outcome assessment, represented by a label.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Outcome domain rating label 0.1 ".
Data Type String
Format AAA[A(14)]N
Maximum character length 18
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values AGE1 Significant negative impact of poor age-appropriate development on independence, participation and wellbeing
AGE2 Moderate negative impact of poor age-appropriate development on independence, participation and wellbeing
AGE3 Progress towards improving age-appropriate development to support independence, participation and wellbeing
AGE4 Adequate short-term age-appropriate development to support independence, participation and wellbeing
AGE5 Adequate ongoing age-appropriate development to support independence, participation and wellbeing
BEHAVIOUR1 No progress in changing behaviours in areas relevant to client’s needs and circumstances
BEHAVIOUR2 Limited progress to date in achieving behaviour goals–but emerging engagement
BEHAVIOUR3 Limited progress to date in achieving behaviour goals–but strong engagement
BEHAVIOUR4 Moderate progress to date in achieving behaviour goals
BEHAVIOUR5 Full achievement of goals related to changing behaviours in areas relevant to client’s needs and circumstances
COMMUNITY1 Significant negative impact of poor community participation and networks on independence, participation and wellbeing
COMMUNITY2 Moderate negative impact of poor community participation and networks on independence, participation and wellbeing
COMMUNITY3 Progress towards improving community participation and networks to support independence, participation and wellbeing
COMMUNITY4 Adequate short-term community participation and networks to support independence, participation and wellbeing
COMMUNITY5 Adequate ongoing community participation and networks to support independence, participation and wellbeing
CONFIDENCE1 No progress in increasing confidence and exercising choice/control in making decisions that impact client’s needs
CONFIDENCE2 Limited progress to date in achieving empowerment, choice and control goals–but emerging engagement
CONFIDENCE3 Limited progress to date in achieving empowerment, choice and control goals–but strong engagement
CONFIDENCE4 Moderate progress to date in achieving empowerment, choice and control goals
CONFIDENCE5 Full achievement of goals related to increasing confidence and exercising choice/control in making decisions that impact client’s needs
EDUCEMPL1 Significant negative impact of lack of employment on independence, participation and wellbeing
EDUCEMPL2 Moderate negative impact of lack of engagement with education and training on independence, participation and wellbeing
EDUCEMPL3 Progress towards improving engagement with education and training to support independence, participation and wellbeing
EDUCEMPL4 Adequate short-term engagement with education and training to support independence, participation and wellbeing
EDUCEMPL5 Adequate ongoing engagement with educaiton and training to support independence, participation and wellbeing
EMPLOYMENT1 Significant negative impact of lack of employment on independence, participation and wellbeing
EMPLOYMENT2 Moderate negative impact of lack of employment on independence, participation and wellbeing
EMPLOYMENT3 Progress towards improving employment to support independence, participation and wellbeing
EMPLOYMENT4 Adequate short-term employment to support independence, participation and wellbeing
EMPLOYMENT5 Adequate ongoing employment to support independence, participation and wellbeing
ENGAGEMENT1 No progress in increasing engagement with support services relevant to client’s needs and circumstances
ENGAGEMENT2 Limited progress to date in achieving engagement goals –but emerging engagement
ENGAGEMENT3 Limited progress to date in achieving engagement goals–but strong engagement
ENGAGEMENT4 Moderate progress to date in achieving engagement goals
ENGAGEMENT5 Full achievement of goals related to increasing engagement with support services relevant to client’s needs and circumstances
FAMILY1 Significant negative impact of poor personal and family safety on independence, participation and wellbeing
FAMILY2 Moderate negative impact of poor personal and family safety on independence, participation and wellbeing
FAMILY3 Progress towards improving personal and family safety to support independence, participation and wellbeing
FAMILY4 Adequate short-term personal and family safety to support independence, participation and wellbeing
FAMILY5 Adequate ongoing personal and family safety to support independence, participation and wellbeing
HOUSING1 Significant negative impact of poor housing on independence, participation and wellbeing e.g. ‘rough sleeping’
HOUSING2 Moderate negative impact of poor housing on independence, participation and wellbeing e.g. living in severe overcrowding; or at significant risk of tenancy failure
HOUSING3 Progress towards housing stability to support independence, participation and wellbeing e.g. supported transitional housing
HOUSING4 Adequate short-term housing stability to support independence, participation and wellbeing e.g. supported transitional housing
HOUSING5 Adequate ongoing housing stability to support independence, participation and wellbeing e.g. stable private rental or social housing
IMPACT1 No progress in reducing the negative impact of the immediate crisis
IMPACT2 Limited progress to date in achieving goals to reduce the negative impact– but emerging engagement
IMPACT3 Limited progress to date in achieving goals to reduce the negative impact–but strong engagement
IMPACT4 Moderate progress to date in achieving goals to reduce the negative impact
IMPACT5 Full achievement of goals related to reducing the negative impact of the immediate crisis
COHESION1 No change in demonstration of greater community cohesion and social harmony
COHESION2 Limited change in demonstration of greater community cohesion and social harmony–but emerging engagement in issues
COHESION3 Limited change in demonstration of greater community cohesion and social harmony–but stronger engagement in issues
COHESION4 Moderate demonstration of greater community cohesion and social harmony
COHESION5 Significant positive demonstration of greater community cohesion and social harmony
GROUPNETWORKS1 No change in community infrastructure/ networks to respond to the needs of targeted clients/ communities
GROUPNETWORKS2 Limited change in community infrastructure/networks–but emerging engagement of community networks
GROUPNETWORKS3 Limited change in community infrastructure/ networks–but strong engagement of community networks
GROUPNETWORKS4 Moderate change in community infrastructure/ networks
GROUPNETWORKS5 Significant positive change in community infrastructure/ networks to better respond to the needs of targeted clients/ communities
GROUPSKILLS1 No change in knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours
GROUPSKILLS2 Limited change in knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours–but emerging engagement
GROUPSKILLS3 Limited change in knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours–but strong engagement
GROUPSKILLS4 Moderate change in knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours
GROUPSKILLS5 Significant positive change in knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours
ORGSKILLS1 No change in organisational knowledge, skills, practices to respond to the needs of targeted clients/ communities
ORGSKILLS2 Limited change in organisational knowledge, skills, practices–but emerging engagement
ORGSKILLS3 Limited change in organisational knowledge, skills, practices–but strong engagement
ORGSKILLS4 Moderate change in organisational knowledge, skills, practices
ORGSKILLS5 Significant positive change in organisational knowledge, skills, behaviours to better respond to the needs of targeted clients/ communities
KNOWLEDGE1 No progress in increasing access to information and knowledge in areas relevant to clients’ needs and circumstances
KNOWLEDGE2 Limited progress to date in achieving information/ knowledge goals–but emerging engagement
KNOWLEDGE3 Limited progress to date in achieving information/ knowledge goals–but strong engagement
KNOWLEDGE4 Moderate progress to date in achieving information/knowledge goals
KNOWLEDGE5 Full achievement of goals related to increasing access to information and knowledge in areas relevant to client’s needs and circumstances
MATERIAL1 Significant negative impact of lack of basic material resources on independence, participation and wellbeing
MATERIAL2 Moderate negative impact of lack of basic material resources on independence, participation and wellbeing
MATERIAL3 Progress towards stability in meeting basic material needs to support independence, participation and wellbeing
MATERIAL4 Adequate short-term basic material resources to support independence, participation and wellbeing
MATERIAL5 Adequate ongoing basic material resources to support independence, participation and wellbeing
MENTAL1 Significant negative impact of poor mental health, wellbeing and self-care on independence, participation and wellbeing
MENTAL2 Moderate negative impact of poor mental health, wellbeing and self-care on independence, participation and wellbeing
MENTAL3 Progress towards improving mental health, wellbeing and self-care to support independence, participation and wellbeing
MENTAL4 Adequate short-term mental health, wellbeing and self-care to support independence, participation and wellbeing
MENTAL5 Adequate ongoing mental health, wellbeing and self-care to support independence, participation and wellbeing
MONEY1 Significant negative impact of poor financial resilience on independence, participation and wellbeing
MONEY2 Moderate negative impact of poor financial resilience on independence, participation and wellbeing
MONEY3 Progress towards improving financial resilience to support independence, participation and wellbeing
MONEY4 Adequate short-term financial resilience to support independence, participation and wellbeing
MONEY5 Adequate ongoing financial resilience to support independence, participation and wellbeing
PHYSICAL1 Significant negative impact of poor physical health on independence, participation and wellbeing
PHYSICAL2 Moderate negative impact of poor physical health on independence, participation and wellbeing
PHYSICAL3 Progress towards improving physical health to support independence, participation and wellbeing
PHYSICAL4 Sustained initial improvements in physical health to support independence, participation and wellbeing
PHYSICAL5 Adequate ongoing physical health to support independence, participation and wellbeing
SERVICELISTENED1 Disagrees that the service listened to me and understood my issues
SERVICELISTENED2 Tend to disagree that the service listened to me and understood my issues
SERVICELISTENED3 Neither agrees nor disagrees that the service listened to me and understood my issues
SERVICELISTENED4 Tends to agree that the service listened to me and understood my issues
SERVICELISTENED5 Agrees that the service listened to me and understood my issues
SERVICERECEIVED1 I am not satisfied with the services I have received
SERVICERECEIVED2 Tends to disagree that I was satisfied with the services I have received
SERVICERECEIVED3 Neither agrees nor disagrees that the services listened to me and understood my issues
SERVICERECEIVED4 Tends to agree that I was satisfied with the services I have received
SERVICERECEIVED5 I am satisfied with the services I have received
SITUATIONIMPROVED1 Disagrees that I am better able to deal with my issues
SITUATIONIMPROVED2 Tend to disagree that I am better able to deal with my issues
SITUATIONIMPROVED3 Neither agrees nor disagrees that I am better able to deal with my issues
SITUATIONIMPROVED4 Tends to agree that that I am better able to deal with my issues
SITUATIONIMPROVED5 Agrees that that I am better able to deal with my issues
SKILLS1 No progress in increasing skills in areas relevant to client’s needs and circumstances
SKILLS2 Limited progress to date in achieving skills goals–but emerging engagement
SKILLS3 Limited progress to date in achieving skills goals–but strong engagement
SKILLS4 Moderate progress to date in achieving skills goals
SKILLS5 Full achievement of goals related to increasing skills in areas relevant to client’s needs and circumstances


The permissible values and their meaning are taken from the Data Exchange Protocols. The Protocols and its appendices provide context and guidance for organisations reporting outcomes into the Data Exchange. The 'meaning' for each of the permissible values are considered guideposts for how the various Outcome Domains are to be measured or interpreted. 

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Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 0
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As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0