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This table shows items related to the item Recipient: Centrelink person identifier.
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Showing 4 results.
Name Details Statuses
PIA_Recipient—identifier, scrambled customer reference number N(9)
Data Element
A random sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a Centrelink recipient in the PIA research data set.
  • Unregistered
Recipient: Centrelink person identifier, ID number 0.1
Data Element
A numeric sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a unique welfare recipient entity.
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on
Recipient: Integration authority person identifier, ID number(DRAFT R2409) 0.1
Data Element
An encrypted copy of the numeric sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a unique welfare recipient entity.   The ID...
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded on
Recipient: Relationship identifier, ID number 0.1
Data Element
The ID of a recipient the client has a relationship with, as represented by a randomised numeric sequence of characters...
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (internal use only): Recorded on
  • Department of Social Services - Datasets (for public use): Preferred Standard on