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Static person entity demographic details in DOMINO. Unlike the rest of DOMINO, this table is not transactional and contains only one record per person representing their current reported demographic details as of the date of extraction.



Data source details

Format type
sas7bdat or delimited
Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
~.stt_pit_ext.ext_dom_person_id Recipient: DOMINO person identifier, ID number

A synthetic numeric sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a unique DOMINO entity.

Specific Information:

person_id has been renamed to ext_dom_person_id

Number N[15]
~.stt_pit_ext.gender Person: Sex/gender, Code

The identification of a person as either male, female or unknown/unstated, as represented by a code.

String A
~.stt_pit_ext.age Person: Age as of extract date, Number

The age of a person as of the extract date.

Number N{NN}
~.stt_pit_ext.date_of_birth Person: Date of birth, YYYY-MM-DD

The day, month and year that a person was born, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.stt_pit_ext.indig_code Person: Indigenous status, Code

Whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, as represented by a code.

String A
~.stt_pit_ext.birth_ctry_code Person: Country of birth, Code

The country in which the person was born, as represented by a code.

String AA
~.stt_pit_ext.date_of_death Person: Date of death, YYYY-MM-DD

The date upon which a person ceases to live, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD. 

~.stt_pit_ext.pen_blind_start_date Person: Blindness start date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date upon which a recipient's blindness was diagnosed by an ophthalmologist, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.stt_pit_ext.object_type_code Recipient: Object Type, Code

Contains the Object Type code (PER/CHI/ORG) for the Customer.

String XXX
~.stt_pit_ext.death_ind Recipient: Deceased indicator, Code

Indicator of that an individual Welfare recipient is deceased as of date of extraction.

String A
~.stt_pit_ext.lang_code Person: Preferred Spoken Language, Code

The code that represents the preferred spoken language of a customer who has requested the assistance of an interpreter.

String XXX
~.stt_pit_ext.interpreter_ind Person: Interpreter Required Indicator, Yes/No Code N

The code that indicates whether an interpreter service is required by or for the person.

String X


Previously known as t_stt_pit (madip)

Custom Fields

Guide for Use

Individuals in DOMINO may have static person details if they are not themselves a Welfare recipient. This is commonly the case where a individual's record has been created due to being included in a Welfare recipient's eligibility assessment for a benefit, such as Family Tax Benefits.