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This distribution (AST_OTH) contains a longitudinal history of reported  from non-specified classes.

Data source details

Format type
Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) or SAS7BDAT
Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
~.ast_oth_beta_ext.ext_dom_person_id Recipient: DOMINO person identifier, ID number

A synthetic numeric sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a unique DOMINO entity.

Specific Information:

person_id has been renamed to ext_dom_person_id

Number N[15]
~.ast_oth_beta_ext.aeid_id Asset: Other asset item identifier, ID Number

This is a numeric identifier used to identify the other asset item within a record. This ID links the AEID and AEDT groups. As each new asset is added, the new id is calculated by adding 1 to the AEID.ID currently stored in occurrence 1.

Number N[N]
~.ast_oth_beta_ext.oth_type Asset: Other asset type, Code

Other asset type codes for clients and .

String AAA
~.ast_oth_beta_ext.oth_prmy_prdct Asset: Other primary product assets, Code

Indicates whether client has other assets.

Boolean A
~.ast_oth_beta_ext.period_start_date Event: Period start date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a reporting period relating to an event commences, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.ast_oth_beta_ext.period_end_date Event: Period end date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a reporting period relating to an event ends, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

~.ast_oth_beta_ext.oth_own_pc Asset: Other asset owned, Percentage

Percentage of other asset owned.

Number NNN.NN
~.ast_oth_beta_ext.oth_rural_exempt_code Asset: Other asset rural exemption, Code

Used to ensure that assets and deemed income from assets that should be exempt for rural processing can be recorded on the system and identified as an exempt asset and/or deemed income from assets.

String AAA
~.ast_oth_beta_ext.oth_tot_asset_amt Asset: Other asset total amount, Total Australian currency

Contains the current market value (recorded as whole dollars) of any other assets applicable to the real estate/business (i.e. Plant/machinery, stock, grain).

Decimal N[9].NN
~.ast_oth_beta_ext.oth_valn_src_code Asset: Other asset valuation, Code

Valuation code for other assets owned by clients and .

String AAA


1 Extraction

The data for this distribution is extracted from the data warehouse at Services Australia. The source tables are detailed below.

  • CIRC_ASSETS_AEID uniquely identifies the asset.
  • CIRC_ASSETS_AEDT records changes to asset values and ownership.

Records are extracted from each of these tables with the application of the following filters:

  • removing deleted and provisional records, and
  • removing records that do not have a logical delete date of 31 December 9999. 

2. Episode Generation

The extract from CIRC_ASSETS_AEDT is organised chronologically for each recipient based on the date of event.

The episodes are then generated which can be generalised using the variable assignments in Table 1.


Table 1: Generalisation of Episode Generation Variable Assignments

Variable Assignment
Person ID Person ID from extract.
Period Start Date Date of Effect from extract.
Period End Date

If the last row for the recipient and asset:

  • 31.12.9999


  • the day before the date of event of the subsequent row.
Percentage of asset owned Percentage of asset owned from extract divided by 100.
Rural exemption code Rural exemption code from extract.
Asset total amount Asset total amount from extract divided by 100.
Asset valuation source code Asset valuation source code from extract.


3 Merging AEID Information

The episodes obtained are then merged with the AEID extract through the Person ID and Asset Identifier variables. This introduces four new variables to the final distribution:

  • Asset Type
  • Asset Description
  • Primary Production Asset Indicator