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A session may have multiple attendances, one for each person attending that session. 

See below for an example.

Service Provider X
  Client A Client B Client C Client D Attendances
Session 1 1 1 0 0 2
Session 2 1 1 1 0 3
Session 3 1 1 1 1 4
Service Provider Y
  Client A Client B Attendances
Session 1 1 0 1
Session 2 1 0 1
Session 3 1 0 1


Assuming that these tables reflect identical services being delivered by different service providers, if one were to count only sessions Service Providers X and Y would appear to have delivered the same amount of services (3 sessions).

However, counting attendances it becomes clear that Service Provider X provided three times as many services to clients (9 vs 3) through those 3 sessions.

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