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This distribution represents the Client Disability table in the Data Exchange curated dataset.

Data source details

Format type
Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
ClientDisabilityId Data Exchange: Client disability identifier, ID number

A system-generated identifier for a unique client disability record in the Data Exchange, represented by a number.

Number N[N(18)]
ClientId Client: Identifier, ID number

A system-generated identifier for a unique client record in the Data Exchange, represented by a number.

Number N[N(18)]
DisabilityCode Client: Disability status, Category label

The experience of disability, impairment or condition identified by a given client, represented by a label.

Specific Information:

For any clients that have attendances recorded, they have to have a set of values at the client level recorded, with the latest record representing the current recorded values. The client disability table will contain records for any disability that has ever been reported – and any number of these different disability types can still be current or not for a given client. A service provider can delete a disability record, in which case CurrentRecord will be 0 and SysEndTime will be populated with the time that the service provider reported the disability was no longer current. If interested only in disabilities that have been reported and not deleted, the table can be filtered using the CurrentRecord flag – again, there will be some clients that may have no current records and some that may have more than one current record where multiple disability types are recorded.  

String A(7)[AAAA]
CreatedDateTime You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
UpdatedDateTime You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
SysStartTime You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
SysEndTime You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
CurrentRecord You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
RecordSeqNbr You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -