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A label set representing outcome domains.


Data Type String
Format AAA[A(14)]


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values AGE Age-appropriate development
BEHAVIOURS Changed behaviours
IMPACT Changed impact of immediate crisis
KNOWLEDGE Changed knowledge and access to information
SKILLS Changed skills
GROUPNETWORKS Community infrastructure and networks
COMMUNITY Community participation & networks
EDUCEMPL Employment, education and training
TRAINING Education and skills training
CONFIDENCE Empowerment, choice and control to make own decisions
ENGAGEMENT Engagement with relevant support services
FAMILY Family functioning
MONEY Financial resilience
GROUPSKILLS Group / community knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours
SITUATIONIMPROVED I am better able to deal with issues that I sought help with
SERVICERECEIVED I am satisfied with the services I have received
MATERIAL Material wellbeing and basic necessities
MENTAL Mental health, wellbeing and self-care
ORGSKILLS Organisational knowledge, skills and practices
PERSONAL Personal and family safety
PHYSICAL Physical health
COHESION Social cohesion
SERVICELISTENED The service listened to me and understood my issues
Supplementary Values UNKNOWN Unknown


Age-appropriate development: the funded activity is seeking to improve a client’s age-appropriate development to improve the client’s independence, participation and wellbeing.

Changed behaviours: the funded activity is seeking to change a client’s behaviours to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing.  

Changed impact of immediate crisis: the funded activity is seeking to address or reduce the impact of an immediate crisis to improve the client’s independence, participation and wellbeing.

Changed knowledge and access to information: the funded activity is seeking to change a client’s knowledge and understanding of issues to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing or to improve their access to relevant information about these issues. 

Changed skills: the funded activity is seeking to enhance a client’s skill set to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing. 

Community infrastructure and networks: the funded activity is seeking to improve community infrastructure and networks to better respond to the needs of targeted clients and communities. 

Community participation and networks: the funded activity is seeking to change the impact of poor community participation and networks to improve a client’s independence, participation and wellbeing.

Education and skills training: the funded activity is seeking to change the impact of a client’s ability to engage with education and skills training on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

Employment: the funded activity is seeking to change the impact of a client’s lack of employment on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

Empowerment, choice and control to make own decisions: the funded activity is seeking to enhance a client’s confidence, choice and control to make their own decisions and take empowerment on issues that impact on their independence, participation and wellbeing. 

Engagement with relevant support services: the funded activity is seeking to improve a client’s engagement with services to support their independence, participation and wellbeing. 

Family functioning: the funded activity is seeking to improve family functioning and change its impact so it enhances the family’s independence, participation and wellbeing.

Financial resilience: the funded activity is seeking to change the impact of poor money management to improve the client’s independence, participation and wellbeing.

Group / community knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours: the funded activity Group/Community knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours for a group of clients or community members participating in the service (where it is not feasible to record the changes for individual members of the group or community).

Housing: the funded activity is seeking to improve the client’s housing stability or address the impact of poor housing to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing.

Material wellbeing and basic necessities: the funded activity is seeking to change the impact of the client’s immediate lack of money and basic items needed for day-to-day living to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing.

Mental health, wellbeing and self-care: the funded activity is seeking to change the impact of a client’s mental health and self-care, to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing.

Organisation knowledge, skills and practices: the funded activity is seeking to improve organisational knowledge, skills and practices to better respond to the needs of targeted clients or communities. 

Personal and family safety: the funded activity is seeking to change the impact of personal and family safety issues to improve the client’s independence, participation and wellbeing.

Physical health: the funded activity is seeking to change the impact of a client’s physical health to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing.

Social cohesion: the funded activity is seeking to improve social cohesion to demonstrate greater community cohesion and social harmony.


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