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A label set representing sources of monetary or cash income.


Data Type String
Format AAA[A(9)]
Maximum character length 12


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values NIL Nil income
EMPLOYED Employee salary / wages
SELFEMPLOYED Self employed (Unincorporated business income)
GOVERNMENT Government payments / pensions / allowances
OTHER Other income including superannuation and investments
Supplementary Values NOTSTATED Not stated/Inadequately described


Main source of income is classified into standard categories that are adapted from the data collection definitions used by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. These are derived in turn from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Standards for Cash Income Statistics, 1997. 

Employee salary / wages: 'Employee cash income' is defined as 'gross current usual cash payments from an employer or own limited liability company, including wages or salary, tips, piece rates, penalty rates, loadings, regular bonuses, payment for time not worked (e.g. sick leave, public holidays) and directors' fees'.

Self employed (Unincorporated business income): 'Unincorporated business cash income' is defined as 'the profit or loss that accrues to owners of, or partners in, unincorporated enterprises'.

Government payments / pensions / allowances: 'Government cash pensions and allowances' is defined as 'gross current usual cash receipts from government agencies under income support and related programs, comprising payments to students and the unemployed, Centrelink pensions for the aged and persons with a disability, and other government cash pensions and allowances (including those from overseas governments)'.

Other: 'Other cash income' is defined as 'Cash income derived from sources other than employment, own unincorporated business and Government cash pensions and allowances. The category includes property cash income, superannuation/annuities, transfers from private organisations, transfers from other households, scholarships and all other regular transfer payments'.


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