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This is a system spine table which identifies the correct Person ID and Environment for a recipient.

This data is point in time as at the date of extraction from the EDW.

Data source details

Format type
Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) or SAS7BDAT
Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
~.link_rec_ext.centrelink_person_id Recipient: Centrelink person identifier, ID number

A numeric sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a unique welfare recipient entity.

Specific Information:

person_id has been renamed to centrelink_person_id

Number N[15]
~.link_rec_ext.object_type_code Recipient: Object Type, Code

Contains the Object Type code (PER/CHI/ORG) for the Customer.

String XXX
~.link_rec_ext.ext_dom_primary_id Recipient: Valid Identifier, ID number

An encrypted numeric sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a unique DOMINO entity.

Before it is encrypted, the Source Customer Reference Number is a sequence of numeric characters, excluding codes with ‘leading’ characters e.g. ‘01’,’02’,’03’.

The "from" person id (aka CRN, aka SSR) maintained in generic linking and rippling.

Number N[15]
~.link_rec_ext.ext_dom_person_id Recipient: DOMINO person identifier, ID number

A synthetic numeric sequence of characters used for the purposes of identifying a unique DOMINO entity.

Specific Information:

centrelink_person_id is encrypted to create the derived ext_dom_person_id

Number N[15]
~.link_rec_ext.max_event_start_date Maximum: Start Date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date describing the maximum start date of most recent record set.